Monday, January 28, 2013

Don't Learn What You Can't Do

Dear mom,

This week was busy- busy- busy. We were running around all week to the far reaches of Florence to visit people. I don't remember if I told y'all about K. yet, but she is a lady who was taught by the Greer Sisters who moved down here. Well she is doing great, and will hopefully be baptized in the next few weeks. We also taught her relative, D., who is 12.  He is going to be baptized on the 16th if all goes well. It's interesting teaching him for 2 reasons: he is quite young, so his understanding is limited, and he has almost no knowledge of the gospel. He knows "God" exists, but had no idea what God is. So teaching him is fun. Anyway, that's how things are going with our companionship. The Stake had a meeting last night about missionary work with all the RS presidents, ward missionaries and WMLs, and all the Priesthood leadership. All the full-time missionaries in the zone were invited as well, and President Holm made that invitation mandatory ha-ha. He was there, too. It was a great meeting! I loved it! One thing that really stuck out to me was when President Barfield (the stake president) said, "Don't learn what you can't do." Why bother trying to figure out things that you can't do instead of focusing on things you can and things you need to do. I thought about that, and the clearest analogy I could come up with is this: Why would I go out and buy a pair of high-heels to try and walk in, only to find out I have not the equilibrium to do such a thing, when I could have safely spent my time buying a pair of shoes that I can walk in and using the rest of my time to do good? Exactly. President Barfield is a great man! I have thoroughly enjoyed working with him here in Florence. We meet with him monthly to do Stake coordination, and we talk a few times throughout the month. He is awesome. Stake Presidents have a lot to do. It surprises me how the Church asks so much of us, but it still somehow works out and we get everything done we need to.

This week, starting today, is something called "the Big Lift," and "No More Strangers" firesides here in the Florence Zone. Elder Memmott is off to N. Myrtle Beach and I'm off to Cheraw at 4:15 today to go with the companionships there. The Assistants and a few other people on the "lift team" are coming in to go on exchanges with all the missionaries in the zone. This has happened a couple times before, but the last times I was one of the companionships being lifted instead of the missionary lifting. I was kind of bummed when I found out no one would be lifting me this time... Sometimes I wonder why the Lord trusts me so much. I can tell why he trusts everyone else with leadership, but I always look at myself and think, "Why me?" I think we all have reason to ask ourselves that at times. But then somewhere down the road the things the Lord trusted us with have worked out for the better, we see the promise given in 1 Nephi 3:7 was fulfilled, and we realize that we, too, have learned and benefited from the leadership role. I'm not going to just lift the Cheraw missionaries, but rather to be lifted by them, too, if not more so. Anyway, that will start today (for your information mom, cause I know you will ask, Elder Memmott is riding with the rest of the lift team to meet their companionships in Conway and I am getting a ride from a member, Bro Prommasit (who helps us with everything! He's a great guy) up to Cheraw. And the Sisters coming to lift will drive their own car so that we don't break the "no elders and sisters in the same car" rule.), and end tomorrow with another fireside. This fireside is going to be awesome! The zone has lots of people committed to coming, and there are always miracles at these things! Elder Memmott and I had to get it all organized and scheduled, so I hope it doesn't end in a disaster, as somehow I seem prone to experience ha-ha. Conway, Myrtle Beach, N. Myrtle, and Georgetown (they are not in our stake/zone, they're in Charleston, but Conway is way closer for them) are all going to a fireside in Conway on Wednesday, and Florence, Cheraw, Sumter, Hartsville, and Marion will be here tomorrow. The Conway Elders are in charge of their fireside, so we won't be going to that one. Thank goodness, we hardly get any time in our area anymore. I kind of hope I get released from leadership this transfer so I can just go be a junior companion to a missionary who is better than me. 

One thing I have been studying lately is the difference between the Holy Spirit and our own spirit. Notice when you read the scriptures the capitalization on the word Spirit. Sometimes it will be "according to the Spirit" and sometimes it will be "according to the spirit." I'm learning a ton about accountability, and about the trust Father in Heaven puts in each of us to "be agents unto [ourselves]," rather than sending the Spirit to tell us what to do all the time.

Oh yeah. So the past couple weeks my huge muscles and my old shirts have been having some run-ins. I have busted the sleeves on a few of my shirts.. So I've been replacing them as I go. But it is fun when my huge muscle bursts out of my shirt and there is a huge ripping sound and everyone turns and looks. The only way to respond is, "I can't help that I'm so huge." Everyone just nods in agreement, and a few look away in shame as they compare their puny biceps to my massive hammer arms. J/k I just made that up. But I am busting my shirts. That part is true.

There was once a minister from another church who spoke with the Prophet Joseph for a while. As they parted ways, the minister said a closing prayer to their meeting. He prayed sarcastically and boisterously things like, "Thank you God for sending your mighty prophet (sarcasm) to be with us today," and so on. After the prayer, the Mighty Prophet responded, "Thank you for that prayer. But you don't need to pray like a jackass for God to hear you." Ha-ha. That's my prophet!

Love y'all so much! Have a great week and I'll talk to y'all next Monday! Love you Jami! Feel better. I command you to feel better. Or I will slap you when I get home. J/k, but I'm praying for ya! Love ya!

Elder Seaver

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I am behind on posting-
a new record - 4 posts at once

Please read on and enjoy
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Monday, January 21, 2013

We Ate Squirrel

Dear mom,

This week was just a regular week. 

We ate squirrel on Thursday. It was sub par...

Also. A lady named K. moved to Florence from Greer. She has been taught everything by the Sisters there and is looking forward to baptism in the next couple weeks.

So. Other than that.. nothing else to report. You think your week was boring. Tell me about it.

Love ya!

Mom, you are great! I really love you a lot. I see lots of bad moms out here and am thankful mine rocks!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Tons of Fun and Tons of Excitement

Dear Mom,

So S. got baptized on Saturday! It was awesome! She quit smoking and all that like a champ and it went down. It was quite an adventure. The Sisters, Garlick and Robertson, also had 2 baptisms this week. R., a 22-year-old girl got baptized Friday, and B., an older lady, got baptized with S. on Saturday.

R. and S. both asked me to baptize them, and Elder Memmott baptized B. I confirmed B., and Elder Memmott confirmed S., and a member did R.. It was a sweet day.

Before the baptism on Friday we got a call from the Sisters. They called to inform us that they had locked their keys in the car and that they were half an hour away from the church, and they had to be there in just an hour to fill the font for their baptism! Hahahahahaha. So we dropped what we were doing and went to rescue them.

We tried with a hanger and some other stuff to no avail. So we got permission for them to take our car to the church while we waited for the locksmith. 1 hour and $65 later, and we were at the church. . So yeah, that was fun.

Then the Sisters asked us to pick up some bleach. So we did. I thought they were going to clean with it, but when we got there they just poured it into the font as it was filling! So it made the font a bubble bath in looks and a swimming pool in smell. I baptized R. in a bleach pool.  Ha-ha. It was funny to have bubbles all over in there. :p

Then after the baptism I pulled the plug in the font…

Saturday the Elders' quorum here played softball and Elder Memmott and I played with them. We had a good ol' time. Then after that we went to get the font ready for the baptisms. We figured it would be best to go home first and shower and get all our stuff, then go back and fill the font.

Turns out it hadn't drained but one stair. It was clogged. Time = 11:30 AM, baptism @ 2:30 PM. So time was short. We tried plunging it, which didn't work. So we said a couple prayers, then decided to "do all that lies in our power" and started bailing water from the font to the drain in the shower in the changing room. We got about an inch out in a half hour and called it quits (not enough time). Meanwhile we had been making phone calls to people to figure things out. Then I got the brilliant idea of flushing all the toilets and running all the faucets at the same time to try and flush out the pipes. Seems smart, right? Wrong. Immediately the font began to fill with sewage. Sewage backing up into the font, then out all the drains in the bathrooms and changing rooms. Then Chaos showed his ugly face. We had awakened a roach nest in the pipes. Roaches were pouring out of the drain in the girls' changing room and a few in the other rooms. It was CRAZY! Roaches and sewage everywhere! It was bad. I have some awesome videos of it. It was just nuts.

So after some freaking out we found a solution. President Holm and President Barfield (the Stake Pres here) directed us to move the baptism to Marion. So we called the Elders there and asked them to start filling the font, which they kindly did, and after enjoying some delicious Mellow Mushroom BBQ Chicken pizza with the Sisters and S.  (a planned lunch for quite some time now), we took off up there. Some members gave rides to S. and B., and Bro Thames, the WML, and Bro Thompson, the backbone of the ward who knows and does everything and is the 2nd counselor in the Bishopric (and former Bishop of the ward), both drove up and we had a grand baptism in Marion!

B. has bad knees, so Elder Memmott baptized her and I stood in the font and helped. It was a way great day! Tons of fun and tons of excitement, rounded off with tons of Salvation! :D

That was about our week.

That's about life right now! Love y'all much!

Elder Seaver

Monday, January 7, 2013

I Know the Savior Lives

Dear Mom,

A lot has happened this week. There are two ladies the Sisters are working with here that should be getting baptized this weekend.  We're pretty excited about that! Good things are happening!

Jami, I hope everything goes well this week! I thought of something you taught me a long time ago that I have been grateful for ever since. I remember when I was in 8th grade I had a huge crush on -----. Remember that? I wanted to sit on MSN messenger all day and chat with her. I remember as Christmas came around you told me something like, "-----, like other girls, will come and go. But family will always be here. Don't waste this precious family time on the computer with someone that won't matter in a few weeks." I remember thinking something like, "Bull! I'll show you. She'll be there. Hmph." As most teenagers blinded by romance would think. But I took your advice, enjoyed Christmas with the family instead of on MSN, and in a few weeks she wasn't even on speaking terms with me. Haha. It was great advice! And just a couple years later the Prophet of God has even stated a similar message that we should focus on what matters most- that we shouldn't let a job to be done get in the way of a person to be loved. Thanks for teaching your brother such a valuable lesson. Love ya Jami!

This week Elder Memmott and I had some very humbling experiences. We prayed for trials to help us grow in Christlike attributes. Suffice it to say that our prayers were answered. Sharing experiences like the ones we had this week will be a great thing to do with you- my dear family, but not over email. And not now. They are still too close to my heart. I have learned a lot. We'll leave it at that for now. I know the Savior lives.

I love you all so much!

Elder Seaver