Monday, January 14, 2013

Tons of Fun and Tons of Excitement

Dear Mom,

So S. got baptized on Saturday! It was awesome! She quit smoking and all that like a champ and it went down. It was quite an adventure. The Sisters, Garlick and Robertson, also had 2 baptisms this week. R., a 22-year-old girl got baptized Friday, and B., an older lady, got baptized with S. on Saturday.

R. and S. both asked me to baptize them, and Elder Memmott baptized B. I confirmed B., and Elder Memmott confirmed S., and a member did R.. It was a sweet day.

Before the baptism on Friday we got a call from the Sisters. They called to inform us that they had locked their keys in the car and that they were half an hour away from the church, and they had to be there in just an hour to fill the font for their baptism! Hahahahahaha. So we dropped what we were doing and went to rescue them.

We tried with a hanger and some other stuff to no avail. So we got permission for them to take our car to the church while we waited for the locksmith. 1 hour and $65 later, and we were at the church. . So yeah, that was fun.

Then the Sisters asked us to pick up some bleach. So we did. I thought they were going to clean with it, but when we got there they just poured it into the font as it was filling! So it made the font a bubble bath in looks and a swimming pool in smell. I baptized R. in a bleach pool.  Ha-ha. It was funny to have bubbles all over in there. :p

Then after the baptism I pulled the plug in the font…

Saturday the Elders' quorum here played softball and Elder Memmott and I played with them. We had a good ol' time. Then after that we went to get the font ready for the baptisms. We figured it would be best to go home first and shower and get all our stuff, then go back and fill the font.

Turns out it hadn't drained but one stair. It was clogged. Time = 11:30 AM, baptism @ 2:30 PM. So time was short. We tried plunging it, which didn't work. So we said a couple prayers, then decided to "do all that lies in our power" and started bailing water from the font to the drain in the shower in the changing room. We got about an inch out in a half hour and called it quits (not enough time). Meanwhile we had been making phone calls to people to figure things out. Then I got the brilliant idea of flushing all the toilets and running all the faucets at the same time to try and flush out the pipes. Seems smart, right? Wrong. Immediately the font began to fill with sewage. Sewage backing up into the font, then out all the drains in the bathrooms and changing rooms. Then Chaos showed his ugly face. We had awakened a roach nest in the pipes. Roaches were pouring out of the drain in the girls' changing room and a few in the other rooms. It was CRAZY! Roaches and sewage everywhere! It was bad. I have some awesome videos of it. It was just nuts.

So after some freaking out we found a solution. President Holm and President Barfield (the Stake Pres here) directed us to move the baptism to Marion. So we called the Elders there and asked them to start filling the font, which they kindly did, and after enjoying some delicious Mellow Mushroom BBQ Chicken pizza with the Sisters and S.  (a planned lunch for quite some time now), we took off up there. Some members gave rides to S. and B., and Bro Thames, the WML, and Bro Thompson, the backbone of the ward who knows and does everything and is the 2nd counselor in the Bishopric (and former Bishop of the ward), both drove up and we had a grand baptism in Marion!

B. has bad knees, so Elder Memmott baptized her and I stood in the font and helped. It was a way great day! Tons of fun and tons of excitement, rounded off with tons of Salvation! :D

That was about our week.

That's about life right now! Love y'all much!

Elder Seaver

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