Monday, February 4, 2013

The Big Lift was Great

Dear Mom,

The big lift was great! I went to Cheraw with Elders Israelsen and Muir. Elder Israelsen was an assistant for a while and now is training Elder Muir. Elder Israelsen is one of the greatest missionaries ever to grace South Carolina. I am very thankful that I got to go watch him in action working hard. I learned a lot and I hope I helped them as much as they did me. 

As for the fireside, we had 2 in our zone because it's so spread out- one here in Florence, and one in Conway. We just went to the Florence one. Our zone had 200 people show up to the firesides, the most of any zone by over 50, and it was great! While I was on the lift I got to meet D. and I. G-, a mom and daughter of a family of 8 kids and the mom and dad. D. had member friends growing up, but the husband is kind of against the church and all that. Well anyway, D. and I. came to the fireside, and afterward talked with President Holm and Sister Holm. They all cried together. I don't know what they talked about, I was too far away. Long story short, yesterday Elder Memmott and I interviewed them for baptism!

D. is a awesome lady. I interviewed her, and Elder Memmott interviewed I. (she's 14 by the way). It was a great experience. I love how the interview is designed. It's not what I originally thought it was. Rather than a review of what they have been taught, it's simply a series of inspired questions to prompt the investigator and myself to bear testimony of the Savior and the Atonement. I caught the vision when I asked her the first question, "Do you believe God is our Eternal Father? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior and Redeemer of the world?" She looked at me, nodded, and said yes. I asked her, what does that mean to you. She was still a little nervous, and replied with a simple answer. I then bore testimony, and as we kept talking we both teared up. We laughed, we cried, and we both left "edified and [rejoicing] together". I said things in there that I know are from Father in Heaven, and she knows it too. She testified to me boldly about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the blessings that have already come, and the hope of blessings to come. It was a great experience, and I will forever be grateful to Father in Heaven for that opportunity to grow closer to him.

Other than that, the week was pretty normal. Our investigator, K., took all 4 of us missionaries, and her 3 kids, and a nephew and niece, to Hibachi Buffet. It was awesome! I ate a little baby octopus. It was gross, Ha-ha, great food though. K. is awesome. She has a solid testimony of the atonement. I hope and pray she can get baptized soon. Her nephew D. is also progressing nicely. He'll get baptized on the 16th if we can get over there and teach him everything. The young men have him fellowshipped already. He's in. Ha-ha. Go young men's program!

Anyway, yeah, that was the week. I love being a missionary! 

Love ya!

Elder Seaver 

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