Tuesday, April 10, 2012

This Week Was Super Great

Dearest Momsie and Popsicle,

This week was super great! Thanks to the prayers of many, D. V. was baptized! I baptized her, and it was just super sweet! She had been expressing concern about "not being sure" if she was feeling the Spirit's influence or not, but at her baptism she was all teary-eyed and crying, so I know she felt it. He was definitely there.

We have been teaching the "new member lessons" (the same lessons before they get baptized, but again after they have been. Also a 5th lesson about different auxiliaries and stuff) to Z. with his brother B.. B is 17 and preparing for a mission, so we had the impression to have him take the lead in teaching and we just back him up with testimony and false-doctrine-correction as needed :p

That's so great about Sam getting his call! I'm so stoked for him! He's gonna do great out there!

Well, that's about it for us here in SCCM. Remember to get your mormon.org profiles done so I can look up your testimonies and pretty faces on Wednesday!

Oh yeah, about that. Dad, that little snippit you sent me about Dayton's Legs is awesome. I'd seen those videos a while ago, and I really love it! There are actually 2 versions of it. The one you sent me is the inspirational uplifting story, and the other version is about how that fits into the new Duty to God program. It reminded me about Duty to God. We have got to get every young man to do that inspired program ASAP! Look at how many lives it can touch!

I love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

So, anyways, I forgot to tell y'all. The Masters was this last week. It's kinda a big deal around here. So much so that people clean up their houses, stock it up, then go on vacation and rent their houses out all week for thousands of dollars to people who come down to watch. It's nuts! But now it's over... Polo season is back in the spotlight. Yes, horse polo is a huge deal here. We're hoping for a match on a Monday so we can go watch, or for an investigator that is a jockey or something.

K that's about it. Love ya!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

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