Monday, April 16, 2012

Well, I'll Keep Working Hard!


Sheesh woman, quit saying your life is boring! If you had heard how many times I gasped reading that email you would think otherwise!

Eww mint jelly?

So as for who baptized and whatnot- we ask the member. The hope is that we have ingrained them enough with the ward that they want members there to do all the stuff. Missionaries leave, but the ward does not, yknow? If they're converted to the missionaries, they go inactive when we leave. So we try hard to get them friends in the ward. For example, Z. had his brother B. baptize him and his bro-in-law N. confirm him. With D. V., she wanted me to baptize her since I was the only missionary there from beginning to end, and Bro Detwiler (he and his wife are ward missionaries, about D.'s age, and they all really enjoy each other. They helped us teach D. from the beginning lesson) confirmed her.

That's so funny Brother Rosenberg corrected their grammar. That reminds me, you haven't corrected my bad grammar once since I've been out here! Thanks mommy, for finally loving me enough to overlook my shortcomings :) Heehee

Kyle is taller than you?! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reina is pregnant?! WWOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So mom, there is a road here that reminds me of breakfast throughout Jr. high. Shady Pines. If you can figure that out, great. If not, I'm not explaining cause I'd feel super gay telling the whole world why that's funny :p

Remember "Lydi-isms" from L. in Anderson? Well there is a 4-year-old girl in Aiken named R. who has added many Lydi-isms to my list. For example, the newest addition "My foot got bored" meaning "I sat on my foot, cut the circulation off, and caused a numb/tingly feeling, i.e. 'My foot is asleep.'" Hahahaha

Bishop Bright, former bishop of Aiken (Yes dad, I said former, just like you said to. Former is NOT the same as ex.), told us how bishops are called. He said the higher-ups go into a ward; find the most spiritual, scripturally learned, righteous, kind, loving, funny, enthusiastic, gospel-centered, encouraging, faithful member; then call her husband to be bishop. Hahahaha

Well that's about it this week. We're still looking for people to teach. We found a guy named B. and we're just starting to work with him. Hopefully he'll progress, and his family, too! But mostly we're working on finding new investigators. BRP and tracting. Yum.

Love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

Mommy, I really love you. I've been super trunky the last couple days. Just wanting the comforts of home. Sleep, mostly. But not nearly bad enough to even consider for a moment actually going home. It's just way too important and awesome to be here for me to quit now. We're just kinda stuck in a funk- nothing to do but knock doors. It's fun to meet so many people, but tiring, too.

Well, I'll keep working hard!

Love ya, woman!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

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