Monday, June 18, 2012

Lots Going On, Not Enough Time to do it all. . . .

Dear Mom!

Wow that sounds like so much fun! I wanna go on youth conference and act out the Book of Mormon! Y’know, it's funny how many Almas and Nephies and Lehies and even Anti-Nephi-Lehies there are in the Book of Mormon. It's tough to keep it all-straight. The thing that took me the longest to figure out is why everyone was quoting "Mormon, in the book of Moroni" and "Moroni, from the book of Mormon" and how that all worked out. I'm super excited to see pictures from y'all's trip!

So mom, I have a challenge for you. - ¿Comprende? :)

So this week a guy named S. A. H. called the mission office in Irmo. He was then referred to us since he lives in Leesville (the west edge of our area). He was being taught in Lilburn, GA (yes that's where the Wolferts live, and I will send them a letter next Monday after he gets baptized) and missed his baptism 'cause he moved up here. He came to church yesterday, he's coming to stake conference on the 24th, and we're baptizing and water's edge confirming him that evening! We're pumped!

So anyway, that's about the week. Lots going on, not enough time to do it all....

Love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

P.S. Happy Father's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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