Monday, June 25, 2012

What Blessings Have You Received From Living the Commandments?

Dear mom,

The highlight of the week- Elder Stanley had some converts from Irmo, his first area; go through the temple on Friday for endowments and sealing. We got to go! It was so awesome! The Columbia temple is beautiful, and tiny, and sealings are awesome, too!

The sealing was in the evening, and during the day we had a Zone Conference in Newberry with Elder William R. Walker of the Seventy. He is in charge of all the temples. He was AMAZING! So much good advice! One in particular is "Loan people a Book of Mormon, don't give them. It gives you a reason to come back, it gives them urgency to read it before we take it back, and if they don't read it we can give it to someone else who will." Awesome, powerful man. Amazing.

T. had a family feud right before his baptism, and he subsequently put it off ‘til later. We'll keep on him. He is really broken up about his family. It's sad. He said, in his lingo texting "At times I feel I'm fighting for my life it's times I lay awake Night crying I wat gods help to live an do right I needs god’s blessing I a sad man." Sad sad sad. We'll keep on him though.

So I talked with Elder Hahn (he's been in Anderson for the last 7 ½  months) about my converts up there. C. and M. are struggling financially still, but M. got a job that is helping a bit. The kids are doing great, and they are still about 50% attendance, which means "active" although not as active as we'd like. M. W. is still SOLID and preparing for the temple in November! M. A. is cooking crack and on the lamb. So yeah? My first convert is.... less-active. Elder Cramer reported that D. and Z. are still 100% active and awesome! :D

So I have a new appreciation for the game Frogger now. I always wondered, "What's the big deal?  How hard can it be for a frog to cross the street?”  But now that it's summer we see about 10 frogs a day, and 8 of them are flattened on the asphalt. We have also been the Game Over for about 12 to 100 frogs or so..

So y’know the term "you fight like an old married couple?" I have now witnessed why they say that. Old married people bicker a lot. Haha...

I have a question for y'all. What blessings have you received from living commandments? Specifically:  the Law of Tithing, the Word of Wisdom, and the Law of Chastity. 
I am sure James would love anyone who reads this letter to write him about their experience of living the commandments- not just his family.  Notice his address on the right side.

This past week I bought an ocarina. It is horrible and plastic and sounds awful, but it sure is fun!!!!!!!!!! J

As a final note, I'd like to say 2 things. I know the Book of Mormon is true, and Sean Lee is awesome.

That's about it this week.
Love y'all muchly!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

1 comment:

  1. So fun to keep up on Elder Seaver's life. What a great ambassador for the church. We love your family!
