Monday, August 27, 2012

Holy Moses. Time Flies so Fast...

Dear mom,

Holy Moses. Time flies so fast...

This week was good. We had a sweet miracle with the ward here getting together and providing a car for one of our investigators! How cool is that! They got her a car so she can come to church and bring her daughter (a thirteen-year-old who was baptized a year ago- she's the only member in her family) to mutual, etc. She will be getting baptized soon, and her 7-year-old son is way stinkin’ pumped to get baptized in December- when he's 8. We also had a great lesson with R. L., R. G.'s future stepson, on Sunday about the Plan of Happiness. There are a lot of good things happening. It's just taking time. Everyone is so busy lately, what with school, one of our investigators is getting married, and other things like that. I love being a missionary!

We talked to a guy and he said the most ridiculous things. There is this preacher who has a show called Shepherd's Chapel or something who had the most far-out theories ever. For example, he says: On the 6th day of creation, God created all the different races, on the 7th He rested, and on the 8th He created Adam and Eve- the white people, the best race. Then during the flood with Noah he supposedly actually says that Noah took 2 of every flesh, meaning of course every animal, but also meaning 2 Chinese, 2 Egyptian, 2 Korean, etc. WHAT A JOKE!!!! I can't believe how all these people blatantly blaspheme and make up their own garbage! Adam and Eve were the first people on this earth. And contrary to what this guy believes, they fell and were expelled from the Garden of Eden on violation of a type of the Word of Wisdom, not what people call "original sin." Eve, the blessed mother of our race, did NOT, by any means, transgress the law of chastity- not with Adam, not with "the serpent." How dare anyone insult our first parents? Honor thy Father and thy Mother. Sheesh. I'm getting sick of all the doctrine of the devil out here.

Ok, I'm done venting.

There was this program on Thursday about Mormons I guess. I don't know if it was nation-wide or just local. Did y'all see it? They had one of the Huntsman girls talk all about it. Sheesh, ask a less active what we believe why don't ya! Anyway, we hear it was pretty good except for a few little things here and there. But anyway, because of this we have been getting a few strange questions. For example, we were asked by this nice RLDS couple we've been talking with the following question: "I hope this doesn't sound personal, but are you wearing funny underwear right now that you didn't buy at the store?" This question illuminated my mind to the fact that what sets us apart as a religion is summed up in one word. Covenants. We make covenants with Father in Heaven. No one else seems to do that! Interesting. Anyway, the response, "um..." awkward pause "no. They're not funny. They're just a reminder of covenants we've made. They're an outward expression of an inner commitment to follow Jesus Christ. But it's not something far-out no one does. Jewish men wear Yarmulkes, Catholics wear their robes, we just wear ours underneath.” And that settled that”. Then they asked us all kinds of other questions which led ultimately to them lending us a book about the history of Joseph Smith, Jr. It's less-than-accurate, but interesting nonetheless to read what our counterparts believe about our Prophet.

Well. Anyways. That is really the gist of the week. I do have a question though. What is considered normal for the size of a baby? What is small? What is big? People keep talking about these 8-9 lb babies they're having. Is that big? I dunno.

So anywho. Love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

Congrats Elders and Sisters on making it to the Temple this last month! 
Keep up the hard work! Continue to Love those you teach, your companion and your mission!

Love Y'all,
The Assistants

Monday, August 20, 2012

I'm Not Ready to go Home - I Want to Start Over Again

Dear mom,
You are trunkier than I am! I was just thinking "Oh no... Because of going home 3-ish weeks early for school that means I'm about a year from having to go home. I'm not ready to go home. I want to start over again. I love being here, and I don't want it to end.........." and then I read your li'l shpeal at the end saying "oh counting down now instead of up ladedadedatrunkytrunkytrunky." Ha.
Speaking of school, while we're on the subject. I have a research project for you. Look up when the semester next fall will be starting and figure out about registration and all that so I can stay out here the maximum time possible. Crazy to think about, but it's time to start those pieces in motion. BARF!
This week was pretty strange. We had a less-than-awesome week last week, so we worked way harder this week and doubled and tripled most of our key indicators. The only one we didn't improve on was people at church. But they didn't just ditch out- they told us the previous few days they wouldn't be there this week. So that was nice of them. Except for one investigator who was supposed to be baptized this coming weekend. She ditched. So we will probably be waiting to baptize her till she is more committed. Sad to have to delay blessings for people, but we can't just baptize people who aren't ready for it. What's that scripture say "it's better for you to have never known me than to have known me and turned away" or summin like 'at.
Thanks for the updates on my friends. I pray for them a lot and hope the best for 'em. Glad to hear Tyler is on a mission! I can't believe no one told me that... Hmph. Did I ever tell you Alex Jensen wrote me a letter? It was nice, and I sent my first-ever letter across the ocean in reply. He's in England now. CRAZY how time flies!!!!!! I can't believe how long I've been out here. It feels like I just got to Gilbert yesterday. And I feel like I just left Anderson. I don't even feel like I was in Aiken for longer than a drive through anymore. It all mushes together. But the one thing I never forget about any area is the people who followed their Savior and the Spirit I felt with them. That's the stuff that sticks with you. That's the stuff that really matters.
This is the beginning of the last week of the transfer. Most likely what will happen is we will both stay here in Gilbert another transfer. Training missionaries is done with "The First 12 Weeks" booklet now. So it's pretty rare and unusual that the trainer and trainee would be separated during that. In fact, it's only happened once in our mission, with Sister Chai and her trainer Sister Johnson. Sis Chai came out with me. They had to move her on to another companion because that girl was struggling and Sister Johnson was needed to train again. Pretty cool. It's weird cause Sis Chai was trained here in Gilbert. So I could be brushing my teeth in the very room she once hairsprayed her hair... Weird thought. Moving on.
2 other things that you might like mom:
1) I don't know if I mentioned this earlier, but I think I found pressure points in dogs that, when pressed, knock the dog flat on their back so you can pet 'em and love 'em and they can't bite or run :p I also think now that I may just be cutting off the circulation to their brain. Vulcan dog grip.
2) There are 8 billion bats that fly around us every night. You'd love it! They're everywhere and they're fast. Way cool! Also, Bro Bryant showed us that if you hold a pug upside-down so it's ears point downward their face looks like a bat's face. It's hilarious! Hahaha.
Love ya mom! Quit counting the days! You will make it go slower!

That's about it this week. Love y'all a ton!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

Monday, August 13, 2012

Love Y'all a Tonzo!

Dear mom

Yesterday we taught a lesson to D. and A., if you remember them. We talked about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As we were teaching about repentance a story was brought to my remembrance. I was but a wee laddie when, during primary one Sunday, I was being obnoxious in some way or another and got myself planted out in the hallway. I am not sure if you were just walking by, or if someone went and got you, but you showed up to talk to me mom. You sat by me on the floor for a minute and gave me a little rebuking. Then you did something that has affected me greatly, especially in the past few months. You knelt with me and taught me how to repent- how to humble myself and ask for forgiveness. I felt at that moment the burden and embarrassment of the day lift off of me. I will be forever grateful for you mom, and your teaching me how to return Home one day.

We have been working hard this week. We had Zone Conference on Friday, which was great (mostly a review of LTM), and we learned a lot about using pamphlets and the importance of knowing the promised blessings with each commandment. It was great. Augusta Zone, Columbia Zone, and us, W. Columbia Zone, were all there. It was a big crowd, but it was fun to see many of my friends I've made in the past year there.

Thursday we went to the temple. There were 11 companionships, and 2 of those were 3-packs. So there were 21 Elders and 3 Sisters there. The temple had made like an assembly line of clothing for us to walk down and pick up. It was pretty cool. We also used the changing rooms in the baptistery since this temple is so small. It was weird for some of the Elders to change in the girls' dressing room in the baptistery- ha ha But that's what happens when you send a faithful, baptizing zone to the teeniest temple in existence. :p

For your information, we went to the temple Thursday morning. We met at 9:30 at the W. Colob Stake Center on Whippoorwill Dr, in W. Colob to all ride together. It was about an hour drive. We hopped in the 2 mission vans and 1 car to get everyone there.

And as for LTM, Elder Horne came to the meeting too cause he is a trainee. Trainees get to go as well since they are "the future leaders" and it give everyone a chance to at least attend 1 in their mission. Some missionaries are Jr. Companions for their entire missions. They get dropped off for the day, or however long the meeting goes, to work with another missionary or companionship that isn't going. Then they disperse us to nearby apartments. We went to Lexington's apartment.

Everyone loves going to missionary meetings because we get fed by the relief society in the area and by Sister Contini (she works for the church as a cook for Pres and Sis Holm and the missionaries in SCCM. She is awesome and we always leave satisfied and craving more).

So awesome to hear Jenni and Jake and Ms. Scarlett are doing well! I still crack up every time I see a fire detector. Ha ha

Well that's it for this week.

Love y'all a tonzo!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

Monday, August 6, 2012

1st Anniversary – 29th Anniversary

Dear mom,

What a great week! Happy anniversary! 653 years! Way to go!

Well this week was one of the strangest ever. We tracted a lot. We talked to a billion people (144 to be exact, nearly double my average), but the only new investigators were all from members. Bishop Robertson is a great bishop.  He told us, "The two things I'm worried about most as bishop are missionary work and temple work." We spoke with him yesterday after church- he was giving us a huge list of less-actives he wants us to hunt down- and he expounded thus: "If the members do missionary work, what does that do? It fires them up! Then they get excited about going to the temple to feel the Spirit. So, they get there. If all the members are worthy of temple recommends, they have figured out how to work out their problems. And, here's the best part, if they have no problems, I have no problems! And I'm a li'l bit lazy, so I like not having problems." Haha. He is awesome.

Elder Horne is an awesome missionary. We are having a ton of fun and getting a lot done. Our comp studies are amazing, and we are learning a ton together. He is great.

The temple- we are going Thursday, and, so as to stay effective, we are taking 2 hours out of today to work so we can spend the 2 hours at the temple. We will most likely be doing baptisms for the dead (since we don't really get to do that while we're here), and most likely President Holm will be baptizing all of us! How cool is that! I'm way pumped! It's well worth 2 precious hours of P-Day.

So I don't know if you remember this mom, but your anniversary is also the anniversary of my going through the temple. 1 year. Wow! I was thinking about that. Y'know, if you are not worthy for whatever reason to attend the temple it takes on average 1 year of being clean to attend right? Well, think about this. For the last year I have been living my life the best I can. I have only said maybe a handful of swearwords since going to the temple, for example. And I am repenting daily. So. In short, if I died right now, I think I'd be ok to go on to the Celestial glory. That's a pretty cool thought, and a cool feeling. :)

Well that's about the week. Not a lot too special. Well, we did have a LTM meeting Thursday and Friday which was a lot of fun and a great learning experience. By coincidence (or by the divine planning of Heavenly Father) President and Sister Holm's stake president, Pres Topham, from back home (also Elder Gooch's stake president, since they're from the same St. George stake) came Friday. He spoke to us about the Why? How? What?  Basically, as humans we have 2 parts of our brain. The Limbic (or what we call the Spirit :p) and the rational (or the natural man). And most of us in life start with the what when we ask people to do something.

Then the how, then the why. For example, the bishop calls a new primary teacher thus:
I want you to teach the CTR class. You can use these manuals to assist you in your work. The old teacher moved out and we needed a new one, so we chose you.
That's the normal way of doing it. But he, from experience and from science, has found it much more effective to do it the other way, thus:
Because we want the best for our young CTR class, and because we know how much the Savior loves them, we have called the best teachers to help them learn. We have amazing, inspired teaching manuals and the scriptures to assist in teaching them. And because of these things, we would like you to be their new teacher, since we know you will give them your best.
Starting with the Why, then the How, then the What. We started the last 2 days doing that in tracting:
Because of our love for the Savior, and also our fellowmen, we have elected to spend 2 years in SC to serve you. Our message about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ has changed many lives, and can change yours, too, and takes just a few minutes to share. We'd love to come in now and share it with you, or come back at a better time.
Compared to:
Hi, we're missionaries and we have a message from Jesus. Can we share it?
Cool stuff!

That's the week. Oh yeah, Pres Topham is about 3 inches shorter than Pres Holm (who I thought was my height). So when they stood up by each other Pres T said "You just wanna stand by me so you can feel tall!" Pres H concurred and said "It's a rare occasion, indeed. The only other time I get this is when I stand by Elder Seaver." He called me out! Haha. So next interviews I'm going to bring a tape measure and check. :p

Love y'all so much!

Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver