Monday, August 27, 2012

Holy Moses. Time Flies so Fast...

Dear mom,

Holy Moses. Time flies so fast...

This week was good. We had a sweet miracle with the ward here getting together and providing a car for one of our investigators! How cool is that! They got her a car so she can come to church and bring her daughter (a thirteen-year-old who was baptized a year ago- she's the only member in her family) to mutual, etc. She will be getting baptized soon, and her 7-year-old son is way stinkin’ pumped to get baptized in December- when he's 8. We also had a great lesson with R. L., R. G.'s future stepson, on Sunday about the Plan of Happiness. There are a lot of good things happening. It's just taking time. Everyone is so busy lately, what with school, one of our investigators is getting married, and other things like that. I love being a missionary!

We talked to a guy and he said the most ridiculous things. There is this preacher who has a show called Shepherd's Chapel or something who had the most far-out theories ever. For example, he says: On the 6th day of creation, God created all the different races, on the 7th He rested, and on the 8th He created Adam and Eve- the white people, the best race. Then during the flood with Noah he supposedly actually says that Noah took 2 of every flesh, meaning of course every animal, but also meaning 2 Chinese, 2 Egyptian, 2 Korean, etc. WHAT A JOKE!!!! I can't believe how all these people blatantly blaspheme and make up their own garbage! Adam and Eve were the first people on this earth. And contrary to what this guy believes, they fell and were expelled from the Garden of Eden on violation of a type of the Word of Wisdom, not what people call "original sin." Eve, the blessed mother of our race, did NOT, by any means, transgress the law of chastity- not with Adam, not with "the serpent." How dare anyone insult our first parents? Honor thy Father and thy Mother. Sheesh. I'm getting sick of all the doctrine of the devil out here.

Ok, I'm done venting.

There was this program on Thursday about Mormons I guess. I don't know if it was nation-wide or just local. Did y'all see it? They had one of the Huntsman girls talk all about it. Sheesh, ask a less active what we believe why don't ya! Anyway, we hear it was pretty good except for a few little things here and there. But anyway, because of this we have been getting a few strange questions. For example, we were asked by this nice RLDS couple we've been talking with the following question: "I hope this doesn't sound personal, but are you wearing funny underwear right now that you didn't buy at the store?" This question illuminated my mind to the fact that what sets us apart as a religion is summed up in one word. Covenants. We make covenants with Father in Heaven. No one else seems to do that! Interesting. Anyway, the response, "um..." awkward pause "no. They're not funny. They're just a reminder of covenants we've made. They're an outward expression of an inner commitment to follow Jesus Christ. But it's not something far-out no one does. Jewish men wear Yarmulkes, Catholics wear their robes, we just wear ours underneath.” And that settled that”. Then they asked us all kinds of other questions which led ultimately to them lending us a book about the history of Joseph Smith, Jr. It's less-than-accurate, but interesting nonetheless to read what our counterparts believe about our Prophet.

Well. Anyways. That is really the gist of the week. I do have a question though. What is considered normal for the size of a baby? What is small? What is big? People keep talking about these 8-9 lb babies they're having. Is that big? I dunno.

So anywho. Love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

Congrats Elders and Sisters on making it to the Temple this last month! 
Keep up the hard work! Continue to Love those you teach, your companion and your mission!

Love Y'all,
The Assistants

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