Monday, August 13, 2012

Love Y'all a Tonzo!

Dear mom

Yesterday we taught a lesson to D. and A., if you remember them. We talked about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As we were teaching about repentance a story was brought to my remembrance. I was but a wee laddie when, during primary one Sunday, I was being obnoxious in some way or another and got myself planted out in the hallway. I am not sure if you were just walking by, or if someone went and got you, but you showed up to talk to me mom. You sat by me on the floor for a minute and gave me a little rebuking. Then you did something that has affected me greatly, especially in the past few months. You knelt with me and taught me how to repent- how to humble myself and ask for forgiveness. I felt at that moment the burden and embarrassment of the day lift off of me. I will be forever grateful for you mom, and your teaching me how to return Home one day.

We have been working hard this week. We had Zone Conference on Friday, which was great (mostly a review of LTM), and we learned a lot about using pamphlets and the importance of knowing the promised blessings with each commandment. It was great. Augusta Zone, Columbia Zone, and us, W. Columbia Zone, were all there. It was a big crowd, but it was fun to see many of my friends I've made in the past year there.

Thursday we went to the temple. There were 11 companionships, and 2 of those were 3-packs. So there were 21 Elders and 3 Sisters there. The temple had made like an assembly line of clothing for us to walk down and pick up. It was pretty cool. We also used the changing rooms in the baptistery since this temple is so small. It was weird for some of the Elders to change in the girls' dressing room in the baptistery- ha ha But that's what happens when you send a faithful, baptizing zone to the teeniest temple in existence. :p

For your information, we went to the temple Thursday morning. We met at 9:30 at the W. Colob Stake Center on Whippoorwill Dr, in W. Colob to all ride together. It was about an hour drive. We hopped in the 2 mission vans and 1 car to get everyone there.

And as for LTM, Elder Horne came to the meeting too cause he is a trainee. Trainees get to go as well since they are "the future leaders" and it give everyone a chance to at least attend 1 in their mission. Some missionaries are Jr. Companions for their entire missions. They get dropped off for the day, or however long the meeting goes, to work with another missionary or companionship that isn't going. Then they disperse us to nearby apartments. We went to Lexington's apartment.

Everyone loves going to missionary meetings because we get fed by the relief society in the area and by Sister Contini (she works for the church as a cook for Pres and Sis Holm and the missionaries in SCCM. She is awesome and we always leave satisfied and craving more).

So awesome to hear Jenni and Jake and Ms. Scarlett are doing well! I still crack up every time I see a fire detector. Ha ha

Well that's it for this week.

Love y'all a tonzo!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

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