Monday, September 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Elder Seaver

Dear mom,

First of all, tell Kandy happy birthday for me! 

This week was interesting. We had interviews/another round of the No More Strangers Firesides by President and Sister Holm on Wednesday- it was great! So many people came to the fireside and felt the Spirit as a recent convert of just a week bore fervent testimony of the restoration. It was so awesome to hear her (a 20ish year old who was baptized merely 4 days previous) testify of the Prophet Joseph and the Savior in such a pure way. I love the gospel! It's so true!

Also, time to recruit prayers. Please pray for W., C. and T., and Elder Horne and me this week. Those 3 sisters are all scheduled to be baptized the end of this week, but we are crunched for time and need some real miracles for everything to pull through. So. Pray for us please! :D

So yeah, my year mark and my birthday. I will say just a few lines to appease you mom, but I'm not really happy about how fast time is going. Sister Pratt made me brownies, which are delectable! I also got a cake-thing from Sisters Fastnaught and Brooks which is fantastic! The door of our trailer was decorated by the Da Rosas from the Lexington ward, (I took pictures)! And many others sang and wished me the best. I am no longer a teenager. Weird. And I will say as a final note, no matter what you wish mom, I wish I could stay another year at least out here. It is too amazing! It's hard, don't get me wrong, but it is SO worth it! It's a weird feeling being on the downhill slope, but I try not to think about it....

I'm so glad Sean got his Eagle. He is my best friend and I am so glad he is having success and joy in his life! Sean- you are a stud if there ever was one! Even if you do have a mullet.. Haha.

*Disclaimer- this is all my opinion, not doctrine*
So I was doing some studies this morning, as usual, when I happened across an idea. So when Father Lehi left Jerusalem he traveled East across the continent to the Indian Ocean (not all the way across China, just to the li'l gulf-looking part of the Middle-East) and sailed East to the Pacific Ocean and then to Central America (if they had gone any other way they would have been spotted and killed). Well, with that in mind, I offer the following:
3 Nephi 1:3  Then he departed out of the land, and whither he went, no man knoweth; and his son Nephi did keep the records in his stead, yea, the record of this people.

3 Nephi 2:9 And Nephi, who was the father of Nephi, who had the charge of the records, did not return to the land of Zarahemla, and could nowhere be found in all the land.
both state that Nephi (son of Helaman, son of Helaman, son of Alma, son of Alma who was a descendant of Nephi) disappeared just before Christ's birth and was never heard from again. Well. Here we go. Speculation time. What direction did the Wise Men come from that visited Jesus 2ish years after his birth? The East. So, if this said Nephi followed his Fathers' route back to the Holy Land, he would have come from.. the... East. Right? So. What if- WHAT IF- this very Nephi was one of those Wise Men? Yeah. Just some food for thought.

Take pictures of your hikes please? I miss mountains, and maybe it'll keep your mind off the pain? But I am verrrry impressed by you two. I still think how crazy you are for hiking the Grand Canyon. People die there! (Mostly from peeing off the edge, but still...) My dear parents are the bravest, most awesome people anyone could ever wish to have for parents! Hands down. FACT.

I love y'all so much!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

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