Monday, September 3, 2012

Once in a Blue Moon

For those interested readers:  This Friday 7 Sept 12 will be the one year mark for James.  This Sunday 9 Sept 12 will be his 20th birthday.  Though the time has gone by faster than his dad and I thought- it has in no way "flown by" for us, but I sure am glad it has for him.  We love our little missionary and are thankful to all of you who have supported him with your prayers, letters, packages and good thoughts.  

Dear mom,

Wow time has flown............................ I have very little to report today. This week just flew by and went pretty much average. We taught lots, we have a few people preparing for baptism this week. Standard missionary stuff. Haha.

I watched President Monson's birthday celebration which was AWESOME! I love Broadway music as of now. Haha. I will thoroughly enjoy watching all the Broadway stuff I can get my filthy hands on...

Question.. What/where/when/whatever were those car show pictures you sent me? Who was that old guy singing?

I found out what the term "once in a blue moon" means. I guess a blue moon is the 2nd full moon in any given month. That happened last month, and supposedly won't happen again till like 2017. So once in a blue moon is quite the time!

Anyways. Honestly. Least eventful week of my mission to date- That's really it.

Since it's Labor day and the library is closed we have the kind consent of the Da Rosa family to email at their home. After this we will be going around town and eating at a restaurant called Ryan’s. Then for the evening a less-active family invited us over. It will be great!

I am about to be an old man. Holy cow.....

I love being a missionary!!

Love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

P.S. To answer your question mom - 1 Corinthians chapter 15 teaches the plan of salvation.

This was a service project we did on Saturday- helping with the Fastnaughts'
(Jack and Diane) do their adopt-a-highway cleanup.
This is the fly-in community I told y'all about.

Another example of what a small but committed group can accomplish!

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