Monday, October 29, 2012

Cool Grey Suit

Dear Mom,

This week was great! We baptized a family of 7!  Only 4 of them were old enough, but same difference. It was super sweet. The Spirit was so strong there! It was amazing!

Well I don't really have a lot to say this week. I got to go to Myrtle Beach on an exchange. Off in the distance I saw the ocean. That was cool I guess.

There is no hurricane danger here. Just kinda windy and cold. It didn't even rain. Myrtle Beach got a little rain. No biggie though. I hear up North it's going to be a "perfect storm" or something. Huh. We'll see.

Elder Abankwa's first name is Chris.

I don't know Linda. Or at least I don't think I do. So add her if you want to. I don't really care.

I love being a missionary so much!

Glad to hear everyone is doing well.

I'm wearing a cool grey suit I found in our apartment right now. It had a hole in the knee. It also had a vest. But I gave it to a member, she chopped up the vest and she patched up the knee. I like having a suit that's not black.

Being a missionary is the greatest. I would not trade it for anything in the whole world. Ever.

I love hearing about y'all's missionary experiences! Nothing brings greater joy in the whole wide world. "How great shall be your joy," and all that. I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I'm tired.

We worked pretty hard this week, and it really paid off. There are so many miracles in the mission field. It's amazing!

Yeah go ahead and read my journals and all that. The journals are just for you and dad. 

Anywho. That's about it for this week.

Love y'all muchly!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

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