Monday, October 8, 2012

There are Going to be Tons of Young Missionaries!

Dear mom,

Holy Moses conference rocked! We watched all 5 sessions at the church, and Sunday between sessions the Mattsons fed us some awesome chili, and a recent convert of Sister Chai's (she came out with me), Diego. It was a lot of fun.

There are going to be tons of young missionaries! It'll be weird having sisters younger than me. There used to be that "older woman" thing so the temptation was lessened. I wonder how that'll go with all the young sisters and elders coming in. :p It used to be cool when I said, "I left on my mission when I was 18 and will be home when I'm 20." But now that's average. Ha-ha.

Elder Holland's talk was almost identical to a talk he gave in the MTC in Jan 2011. All our mission apartments have a copy of it because it's so powerful. Of course there were differences seeing as the audiences were different, but I love anything and everything about Peter, sweet Peter. He is awesome. And it was awesome that Elder Hales gave almost an identical talk ha-ha. Just goes to show how inspired these people are- they all pray and plan and write those talks not knowing what anyone else is going to say. But there always seems to be a theme! I counted 5 times that D&C 121:34-46 was quoted, as well as a ton of other repeats. It's awesome. I also felt really cool when they would announce speakers or mention people and I could say, "I am friends with his grandson," or, "I shook his hand once." Haha.

For those inquiring minds, I have met, or associated in some way with the following:
  • ·      Quentin L. Cook (spoke in a stake conference I was at, shook his hand)
  • ·      Walter F. Gonzalez (spoke to our whole mission)
  • ·      Robert C. Gay (spoke in the Greenville stake conference they had when I was still in  Anderson, he was just an area authority then, now a seventy)
  • ·      William R. Walker (came and toured our mission just a few months ago, shook his hand, too)
  • ·      Elder M. Keith Giddens (came and spoke with Elder Gonzales, he is our area seventy)
  • ·      Elder Alvin f. Meredith (spoke when the W. Columbia stake was reorganized with Elder Walker, shook his hand when President Holm introduced Elder Stanley and me and we thought he was just another brother in the area. When he started speaking we felt so dumb for being all like "how are ya brother?" ha-ha)
  • ·      Jay E. Jensen (Alex. Nuff said)

Did you sense the urgency the Brethren had? This work is far too important to waste any time. "Don't delay, it's getting late," said Elder Holland last conference. You can really feel their earnestness and zeal and urgency, can't you?
I found out Saturday that I will be being transferred this week to a new area. More details next Monday...

I was reading in PMG the other day and I found something fun. It's a personal study activity. So, to fulfill it I must ask y'all to please respond to the following question

Pick a commandment (tithing, Law of Chastity, Word of Wisdom, etc) and write to me how keeping that commandment has blessed your life.

So glad to hear the hike went well! Pictures?? :)

Love y'all so much!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

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