Monday, October 1, 2012

Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy

James's mom was out of touch living her life the last two weeks and did not update his blog- to you loyal readers I apologize.  There are two new posts, so read on below after this post.

Dear family,

This week was a blur. So fast! Plus I had a nice cough going on from the fall allergy season coming in, so I have been in and out of a Benadryl coma. Ha-ha.

We worked hard and it paid off. There was a lady named A. who got baptized in Lexington ward on Saturday, and we as a district (6 of us) sang Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy. Then on Sunday, President and Sister Holm spoke in the Lexington and Gilbert wards. Lexington had us missionaries sing that song again for them and it was awesome! We practiced a lot and it paid off.

Then we randomly had a guy we taught months ago named T. H. show up at church. It was pretty sweet! He stayed for Sunday school, and then took off, but during class one of the members said something like, "When I was investigating the church I would just make up excuses to not go because I thought it was a 'cult'." Then Timmy said, "That's what I've been doing! I have made up excuses for the past 2 months, but today I couldn't think of one, so I had to come..." It was so funny ha-ha. But he is being prepared and I can't wait to teach him!
The Master is so good at diffusing bashes with people (Matt 21:23-27). I wish I were good at not bashing... But it's too fun to confound people by proving what I believe with their own Bible. :p

We have been having geese fly-bys every morning for the past few days. They honk and honk and honk for a good minute before they pass overhead. We saw a bunch of ‘em land in a field on our way to the library today. It was fun stuff. Today it was extremely foggy as well. Er. Is foggy. Currently foggy.

That's about it for this week though. Glad to hear all those kids are doing well! Send ‘em my salutations next time you see ‘em.

Love y'all a ton!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

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