Monday, November 26, 2012


Dear mom.

I don't really feel like emailing this week. So I'm going to be short.

My new companion is Elder Memmott from Utah. He is a boss! I love being here with him! We are having so much fun! We have a ton of fun together. He is the DL, but we're both still ZL's. Just so you know, ZL's are always companions for their zone. So if I'm one, my companion is too. Sister Robertson is in our district, the one I came out with. It's kinda fun to see her again after so long.

For Thanksgiving we went to the S's home. They fed us way good. That was the gist of the day. However, I saw a commercial for a GPS watch. It looked so boss. I think Garmin makes it. So if you can find a GPS watch that works and isn't outrageously expensive.... yknow. :p

Anyway, this week we just kinda tracted around in the cold. We did find one boss new investigator who is awesome. Elder Memmott and I are working hard on pumping up the zone. We had a revelation-receiving, destiny-shaping dinner at Taco Bell where we learned from the Spirit the things we need to work on as a zone and as individuals. It was cool.

I love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

Thanks mom! love ya! You are literally awesome. FACT. This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for a mom who is awesome, kind, loving, and boss.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Seeds Planted, Right?

Dear mom,

This week was kind of weird and slow. We contacted a ton of referrals that we found on the referral manager.  They were all dead-ends. But still. Seeds planted, right?   We had a blitz.  We had Zone Conference, too, on Wednesday. That was fun to have the whole zone together again. Elder A and I gave a short training on honesty. It was fun.

So some other things you might like. I found Jake's parents in the September 2012 Ensign on page 22! It was cool to see them. And right before I opened it up Elder A was saying "wouldn't it be cool to find someone you knew in one of these?" Ha-ha.

To answer your question- we are assigned to just one ward. There is a companionship of Sisters in the ward, too. We go on exchanges and blitzes, but unless we plan poorly we try and be in our ward with our investigators on Sundays. Speaking of investigators, we found a sweet family of 5 this week! They have 3 little girls, 5, 4, and 1. It was sweet. 

Our apartment is pretty nice here. It's pretty big, and missionaries haven't been in it for very long. Maybe a year or so. When they put Sisters in they moved the Elders out to this apartment. The beds are ok. Not the nicest, real loud and squeaky, but they're still comfortable. Just loud. We each have our own bathroom. Oh that reminds me, Elder A is getting transferred away this Wednesday! :( He is a boss missionary, and I will miss him so...

We're spending Thanksgiving with a member family here in the ward, the S... They are way cool!

That about sums up the week.

Love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

P.S. I'm working on finding somewhere to skype. We'll see. I doubt it though..

Monday, November 12, 2012

I Love Being a Missionary!

So- I have been a bit negligent with James's blog updates- sorry.
If you want to know what has kept me too busy to update this blog
you will have to check out my blog- as soon as I get one.

I will note that there are three updates posted.

Dear Mom,

S. B. got baptized and confirmed by us this weekend! It was sweet. Sister F., the mom of the family we just baptized, gave the talk on baptism and it was awesome. I love being a missionary! 

So this week was a bit slower than usual for us in our area. Not a ton went on, but we did get to go to Sumter for a day to blitz their area, and I got to go to Conway for a day as well. There I got to conduct my first Baptismal Interview for a lady named D. P., who was baptized this weekend as well. I love being a missionary!

So I came up with super hero names for Jake, Paul, and Dave this week. They are now a part of the Disasters. Jimi Lightning, Scarlett Thunder, Chumderbolt, Earthquake Jake, Tidal Wave Dave, and Waterfall Paul. Boss lineup, I know.

That's really about it this week.

Oh yeah, Elder Bednar left us an Apostolic Blessing, too. He told us before he bore his testimony, "If I feel so prompted to leave you a blessing by the authority of the Apostleship, you can negate it by being irreverent. If you start backslapping and laughing, the Spirit will leave and the blessing will be void." So yeah, the Apostles can do that. They're boss.

Anyway, love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

Monday, November 5, 2012

Week Full of Adversity

Dear mom,

Wow this week was just full of some crazy stuff. First of all, I went to my first Zone Leader Council, where we 14 ZLs and the Assistants- President and Sister Holm discussed the mission and some other junk that won't make sense to y'all, but anyway, it was fun. Then we had Zone Training Meeting, which is like a giant district meeting with the whole Zone where Elder Abankwa and I relay ZLC information that the zone needs and do some training (along with some other trainings given by members of the zone that we ask). It was a lot of fun. Then, oh then, Saturday came. And guess who came? Wait, hold on. I'll get to that in a minute.

This week was also filled with adversity. First of all, the Sisters in our district were teaching this lady named A. who had a family member pass away in the storm up north and a few others go missing. So Satan won that battle. Then 2 of our awesome investigators had their husband/father go into the hospital (he is 80-something, so it's time) and that prevented them from coming to church. Then our other solid investigator for baptism this coming Saturday, Sister B., had her son get locked up in jail at midnight Saturday night. Among some other things, people in the hospital cause of bug bites, and just a ton of junk. It was a tough week. But it will all be ok.

Anyway, the good news. Saturday we had a special visit to our mission. We had a 3-hour Q & A with Elder David A Bednar. Yeah. Nuff said. It was awesome! He is a master of gospel doctrine and principles and I learned a ton. Like, for example, what do trees symbolize in the gospel? What is the tree representing in Lehi's dream? So what does the tree represent in the allegory of the tree in Jacob 5? What is the fig tree? What are any of the trees in the scriptures? Brings a whole new light to the scriptures eh?

Or what about intelligences? There's a topic y'all should ask me about when I get home. I have done a ton of deep research. I will one day tell you the doctrine behind intelligences and the Atonement, but not in an email. Remind me in 10 months.

Anyway, glad to hear most all is going well! Love y'all. 

Love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver