Monday, November 26, 2012


Dear mom.

I don't really feel like emailing this week. So I'm going to be short.

My new companion is Elder Memmott from Utah. He is a boss! I love being here with him! We are having so much fun! We have a ton of fun together. He is the DL, but we're both still ZL's. Just so you know, ZL's are always companions for their zone. So if I'm one, my companion is too. Sister Robertson is in our district, the one I came out with. It's kinda fun to see her again after so long.

For Thanksgiving we went to the S's home. They fed us way good. That was the gist of the day. However, I saw a commercial for a GPS watch. It looked so boss. I think Garmin makes it. So if you can find a GPS watch that works and isn't outrageously expensive.... yknow. :p

Anyway, this week we just kinda tracted around in the cold. We did find one boss new investigator who is awesome. Elder Memmott and I are working hard on pumping up the zone. We had a revelation-receiving, destiny-shaping dinner at Taco Bell where we learned from the Spirit the things we need to work on as a zone and as individuals. It was cool.

I love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

Thanks mom! love ya! You are literally awesome. FACT. This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for a mom who is awesome, kind, loving, and boss.