Monday, November 12, 2012

I Love Being a Missionary!

So- I have been a bit negligent with James's blog updates- sorry.
If you want to know what has kept me too busy to update this blog
you will have to check out my blog- as soon as I get one.

I will note that there are three updates posted.

Dear Mom,

S. B. got baptized and confirmed by us this weekend! It was sweet. Sister F., the mom of the family we just baptized, gave the talk on baptism and it was awesome. I love being a missionary! 

So this week was a bit slower than usual for us in our area. Not a ton went on, but we did get to go to Sumter for a day to blitz their area, and I got to go to Conway for a day as well. There I got to conduct my first Baptismal Interview for a lady named D. P., who was baptized this weekend as well. I love being a missionary!

So I came up with super hero names for Jake, Paul, and Dave this week. They are now a part of the Disasters. Jimi Lightning, Scarlett Thunder, Chumderbolt, Earthquake Jake, Tidal Wave Dave, and Waterfall Paul. Boss lineup, I know.

That's really about it this week.

Oh yeah, Elder Bednar left us an Apostolic Blessing, too. He told us before he bore his testimony, "If I feel so prompted to leave you a blessing by the authority of the Apostleship, you can negate it by being irreverent. If you start backslapping and laughing, the Spirit will leave and the blessing will be void." So yeah, the Apostles can do that. They're boss.

Anyway, love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

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