Monday, November 19, 2012

Seeds Planted, Right?

Dear mom,

This week was kind of weird and slow. We contacted a ton of referrals that we found on the referral manager.  They were all dead-ends. But still. Seeds planted, right?   We had a blitz.  We had Zone Conference, too, on Wednesday. That was fun to have the whole zone together again. Elder A and I gave a short training on honesty. It was fun.

So some other things you might like. I found Jake's parents in the September 2012 Ensign on page 22! It was cool to see them. And right before I opened it up Elder A was saying "wouldn't it be cool to find someone you knew in one of these?" Ha-ha.

To answer your question- we are assigned to just one ward. There is a companionship of Sisters in the ward, too. We go on exchanges and blitzes, but unless we plan poorly we try and be in our ward with our investigators on Sundays. Speaking of investigators, we found a sweet family of 5 this week! They have 3 little girls, 5, 4, and 1. It was sweet. 

Our apartment is pretty nice here. It's pretty big, and missionaries haven't been in it for very long. Maybe a year or so. When they put Sisters in they moved the Elders out to this apartment. The beds are ok. Not the nicest, real loud and squeaky, but they're still comfortable. Just loud. We each have our own bathroom. Oh that reminds me, Elder A is getting transferred away this Wednesday! :( He is a boss missionary, and I will miss him so...

We're spending Thanksgiving with a member family here in the ward, the S... They are way cool!

That about sums up the week.

Love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

P.S. I'm working on finding somewhere to skype. We'll see. I doubt it though..

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