Monday, December 31, 2012

It was Deliciouso!

Dear mom,

This Saturday a lady was supposed to get baptized, but she smoked after a stressful appointment she was at. So she is looking forward to this Saturday instead. Good stuff! We're excited. Our district will be staying put for another transfer as well. Oh, and Elder Memmott and I enjoyed some Costa Vida this week! It was deliciouso! It came frozen as Alaska. It was awesome! I bought new pants today. They're sweet. We're going bowling with Bro Eynon, a guy in the ward who is supposedly an amazing bowler!

I'm excited for all the awesome stuff that went on and is going on back home for y'all! That's great!

We have 122 English Elders, 20 Spanish Elders, 20 Sisters, and 20 Seniors. We're going up to 102 Sisters by March. That's the only change we get from the influx. 

So anyway, that about wraps it up! Love y'all muchly!

Elder Seaver

P.S. I wish I had more to type. That's just everything that is going on!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

Sister Garuck, Sister Robertson, Elder Memmott, & Elder Seaver

Thursday, December 20, 2012

As per what seems to be the norm now-
I have posted two updates.

Monday, December 17, 2012

I Have the Most to Learn

Dear mom,

So this week was pretty sweet. We have 2 really solid progressing investigators, one of whom will be getting baptized this weekend if she can quit smoking. The other is struggling with a few things in her life, and the new Relief Society President and the old RSP totally took her in under their wings and dominated her with the Spirit and took the steps to help her out. It was sweet. I'm glad you'll have the chance to do that for people now, too, mom. You'll be great! Charity, the pure love of Christ, is most prevalent in the RSP, and I know you're filled with it.  So you'll be great. The Lord doesn't call people to callings because they'll be good at it; He calls them because they need to grow from it. I'm not a zone leader because I'm the best missionary in the zone, I'm a zone leader because I have the most to learn, and need the responsibility to force me to grow. You're not RSP because you are the best lady in the ward, you are the RSP to grow. I don't know what the Lord wants you to learn from this, but He does, and you will know, too, before too long. More power to ya! Good luck! Ha-ha.

Anywho, glad to hear all is going well with y'all!

Also, I'm losing weight rapidly. I'm down to 158. Lowest I've been since like 7th grade! But it's all from working out and Oxy Elite Pro- you should get some, it's sweet!

Oh yeah, I will be SKYPEing y'all around 5 my time on Christmas, so like 3 your time. I'll call you that day to let you know for sure. There's only 1 computer and 4 missionaries, and we may end up Face-timing on their iPhone if time is short. But yeah. Good news.

In other news. My camera is broken. It no longer works. The lens doesn't retract and the camera just says "Lens error. Restart camera. Shutting down automatically," every time I try to turn it on. So yeah. No more camera. Oh well, I didn't use it that much anyway ha-ha. I still have the memory card though and will probably send it home some time soon. If I remember. Ha-ha.

I love being a missionary!

Love y'all tons!

Oh yeah, something sweet happened this week too. Friday we got a phone call from a hospice minister from some Christian hospice in Kingstree, about an hour south of where we live (still in our area though). He said that this Methodist lady was about to die and the daughter (a grandmother herself, not a young lady) was taking her home to die. The daughter wanted some LDS people to come over, and this minister knew a member of the church, Bro S. So Bro S gave the minister our number and he called us. That was way to far for us to drive to by ourselves with our mileage limit. But it just so happened that that night the Assistants were coming on an exchange with us, and their van has unlimited miles. So Elder Lash and I drove down around 6:30 to see this lady. Turns out she had moved down here from NY just a few days ago, and had joined the church there only 3 weeks earlier! We had an awesome, really spiritual meeting with her; we blessed her, her mom, and her blind dad. It was an amazing display of the Lord's hand in his work. It just so happens that the goals I wanted to work on in this exchange was to improve my patience and my charity. The Lord blessed me with a 2 hour round-trip car ride, and an opportunity to go into a complete stranger's home, who had no idea we were coming, and exercise my charity. The love in that home was overwhelming, and I am truly grateful to Father in Heaven for blessing me with that opportunity. I know the Lord wants us to be happy. What are the chances that all would line up so perfectly? I know the Lord's hand is in his work. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Cold/Cough/Puke Syndrome

Dear mom,

This week was pretty slow. Elder Memmott and I have both been sick for the last 4 days with cold/cough/puke syndrome. But we're better now. Mostly. Still, through all the chaos, naps, and visits to the elders' room, we still managed to get B. M. and S. H. at church and fairly solid for their baptisms in the next few weeks. It was nice to see that the Lord still blesses us as long as we try our best, even when our best is pretty pathetic ha-ha. Anyway. Honestly that's about it this week. Not that much happened. We had ZTM again, which is always fun. We have 2 missionaries in our zone going home next Monday so they don't miss a third Christmas. Dunno what will happen with their companions. But they aren't the only 2 going home, so there will be other missionaries to move around. That's happened the last 2 transfers. Anyway. Just some mission stuffs.

Today I tried on a new suit. I didn't like it. I'm working out a ton with Elder Memmott (he is like way jacked and works out a lot) and I’m getting way buff/skinny. My muscles are bulging. Ha-ha. 

I'm so tired right now. Ah. Anyway.

I am tired of writing letters. I used to love it. But now I don't really care. I'm too busy to write letters and too busy to do anything but baptize. That being said, I'm outta here. Love y'all muchly!

Elder Seaver.

Ps. Yeah. I will probably not be SKYPEing this time. But that's ok. We'll find out. Anyway. Love ya!

Love ya!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Dreaming of a White Christmas

Dear Mom-

This week was kinda run-o-the-mill missionary work. We had ZLC in Irmo, an Exchange with Myrtle Beach (I stayed with Elder Aguilar, a missionary from Mexico here on an English-speaking mission), and had some cool teaching experiences. Our zone has their baptismal goal for the month higher than the Zone has hit since at least 2009, and probably further. We just don't have the records back that far. But, the good news is that we have a ton of people right-close to baptism who are ready and everything! We're going to have a White December- every companionship in the mission baptizing this month!

Other than that, things have been just normal. I love Elder Memmott; he is awesome! We are having a blast. I have been thoroughly enjoying my time here in Florence. I feel like I will be getting transferred soon; the next transfer is 2 Jan. But we'll see. The Lord calls us and we hearken, right?

I love y'all a ton!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver