Monday, December 3, 2012

Dreaming of a White Christmas

Dear Mom-

This week was kinda run-o-the-mill missionary work. We had ZLC in Irmo, an Exchange with Myrtle Beach (I stayed with Elder Aguilar, a missionary from Mexico here on an English-speaking mission), and had some cool teaching experiences. Our zone has their baptismal goal for the month higher than the Zone has hit since at least 2009, and probably further. We just don't have the records back that far. But, the good news is that we have a ton of people right-close to baptism who are ready and everything! We're going to have a White December- every companionship in the mission baptizing this month!

Other than that, things have been just normal. I love Elder Memmott; he is awesome! We are having a blast. I have been thoroughly enjoying my time here in Florence. I feel like I will be getting transferred soon; the next transfer is 2 Jan. But we'll see. The Lord calls us and we hearken, right?

I love y'all a ton!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

1 comment:

  1. Glad things are going good for you! We miss you in the Gilbert Ward, but we are looking forward to seeing you when we are sealed in the temple next summer. Thank you for all that you do, you touch the lives of many (including my family)...We love you Elder Seaver! Have a wonderful Merry Christmas!!!

    The Overockers :)
