Monday, March 11, 2013

C'est la vie - I guess

Dear mom,

This week was much like last week. We saw the S., but they went out of town again this weekend. We are meeting with them tonight though. We have been working hard and have been teaching a lot of lessons. Unfortunately 99% of our lessons end with a "thanks but no thanks." C'est la vie - I guess. 

Tomorrow we have another No More Strangers Fireside as well as interviews. We are also going in the morning to a local college and teaching a religion class for 2 or so hours. That'll be exciting! Actually, the other Elders, Thompson and Gemmell, are teaching. They were the ones asked to by the member. Elder Stephens and I are going to help with Q&A, as well as we need to leave right after to go to interviews and there won't be time for them to run around picking us up ha-ha. Anyway, that's about the extent of the week. 

As far as the package goes, if it wasn't priority mail it can't be forwarded. I'll call the office today and see if it's there. If it is they will send it to interviews tomorrow. 

I will ask President Holm tomorrow if i can email Sean or not.

Daylight Savings time didn't even make me flinch. 1 hour isn't that much at all. Besides, we stay up talking so long anyway that we hardly get sleep at all. I have learned to rely on and trust in the Lord's promise that he will renew and strengthen me so long as I keep his commandments. Go figure, the Lord keeps his promises! Who woulda guessed. 

Anyway. That's about it this week. Life is good. I love being a missionary!

Love ya!
Elder Seaver

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