Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day

Dear mom,

This week was indeed KILLER! My new companion is Elder Ezra Nair, he's from Chicago. He was trained by Elder Memmott right before I was companions with him, so it's a ton of fun reminiscing. He is a fantastic missionary, and we are having a blast! We worked super hard this week, and found some really sweet families. Please keep S., L., and J., and the Th- family in your prayers this week. 

Yes I got the package, thanks! That tie is awesome! And we are going to get us some sammiches after dis. 

Thanks for signing me up for school. I really appreciate all the hard work you all put in for me. I feel like I'm a bum out here making you all do so much work for me. I also feel like a bum cause I almost forgot Father's day ‘til just barely.

Dear dad, Happy Father's day! 

You already know how much I love and admire you, but I would like to share one story I really appreciate about you in this email. 

Just the other day I was wrestling with Elder Thompson when all of a sudden I smacked myself right in the face. I instantly remembered that one time I put my hand on your ankle and you went to heel-drop my hand. I expertly dodged, and you dented your own leg with the fury from above. Remember that? Ha-ha. Anyway, long story short, I have gained a very high pain tolerance from all our wrastlin, and I am grateful for it. It helps me just work through the blisters, sore muscles, chafing (oh the chafing.. Friggin’ humidity.); the mental stress and spiritual stress is also something I have learned to work through from watching your boss-master-Jedi example. Thanks for being my dad, and my sparring partner!

That's about all I got for this week. I love ya'll a ton! I am grateful to be a missionary!


Elder Seaver

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