Monday, June 10, 2013

Please Share Your Testimony of........

Dear family,

Big news this week as follows:

1) Elder Tonge went home Tuesday for knee surgery. That means for the last week I have been in a three pack with Elder Thompson and Elder Davis. Dream come true! Companions with Elder Thompson at last!!! :) Elder Tonge is expecting to be back by the end of summer. 

2) We had a killer week! We taught this awesome family, the N-, and they came to church! Well, most of them did. It's a mom and her twin 16-year-old boy and girl, and a little 19-month-old girl. The 16-year-old girl didn't come- but she promised to next week! They had a ton of friends that go to the ward here and didn't even know, including one of the kids' teachers at school ha-ha. We also had this guy who has been investigating for months and months come to church named R. He is an ex-Jehovah's Witness and ex-Catholic. If you just combined all the positive qualities of those churches and doctrines and add a little Priesthood, you get Mormon! It was sweet.

3) President Holm called me Saturday giving me some information about the next transfer (starting this Wednesday). Elder Thompson and Elder Davis will be staying here in Spartanburg as a companionship. I will be getting a new companion. I'm staying here as well. They are splitting our zone (the Greenville East zone) and President asked me to be a zone leader again in the new zone. That's all I know so far- I will tell you more after transfers when I know.

Yeah, there is the week. It was awesome! I love being a missionary!!!! 

That's about it for me this week! If ya'll could, I would appreciate some emails wherein you bear your testimony and share specific experiences of blessings you've received from living a specific commandment (i.e. law of tithing, word of wisdom, law of chastity, keeping the Sabbath Day holy, etc.). It would help a lot with some people we are teaching. Thanks!

Love ya'll muchly! I appreciate all you do! Ya'll are the best family in the world- I wouldn't trade you for a thing! Except for maybe a recipe for tamale pie. I'm craving that goodness! :D


Elder Seaver. 

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