Monday, September 26, 2011

Landed in South Carolina!!!

James's plane landed safely in South Carolina today at 1:46 pm MST!  :-)

He called Mom, Dad and Jami this morning from the airport.  They said he already sounded more grown up and he's super excited!  We can't wait to find out where his first area is!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Last MTC Pictures

Wearing lava-lavas from Elder Key's Grandma
Elder Key fixing my MTC barber haircut

Picture of a picture of Brother Ed & Sister Pinegar
Hurrah for Israel!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pictures from the MTC

Elder Cardon and me
My District
My District's coats
2 Elders we saw sleeping & cuddling during "Legacy" after meetings Sunday night.
They've been here waaaaaaaaaay too long....
Picture hanging on the wall in 1M

First Emails from the MTC

MOM! I'm emailing you from the MTC WOW!! This is awesome.

I only have half an hour to type a letter to everyone so I'll try and hurry. I wrote you a small letter and put it in the mail. It has some pictures. They have a printing station in the bookstore. It's cool. Well this place is awesome. They've thought of everything. There is a new batch of missionaries today and I feel so old. It's strange. The days feel like weeks, but the week felt like a day. I'm glad to hear you're doing all right. I'm also glad my shirts are going to a good use :)

Elder Seaver

In the following email James answered some questions I had asked him.  Following are the questions.
Is there anyone at the MTC that you already knew?  Are you enjoying the food?  Is the bed comfortable?  Are you getting enough sleep?  What kind of things do you learn during class time?  What is your favorite thing to do during PE.  What is your companion like?  How many other missionaries are going to South Carolina?

Yes someone here I already know. A kid named Jared Frost.

The food is fantastic! Tatertot casserole was sweet!

The bed is iffy. No I'm not getting enough sleep, but today I got a good nap, and between that and the Spirit I'll be all right.

We are learning the gospel. We're here to teach people, not wooden lessons. The lessons are a good guideline and what we need to focus on, but it's all about people.

There are a couple of lifting machines. I like to run a lap and then lift for 20 minutes or so. Then the last half hour I play volleyball. 

My companion is cool; Baseball player and plays a game called handball too. Never heard of it before. He is also a lady's man, or at least he loves the ladies and assumes they love him too. Ha-ha.

There are 4 of us going out together. We are all in a room together. Elders Bagley (bag lee), Kerr (kerr), Cardon (car din) and myself.

Elder Seaver

Friday, September 9, 2011

Happy 19th Birthday!!!

Today is James's 19th birthday!!!

Right before he opened his call he said the only thing he wanted was to turn 19 in the MTC.  We all told him that was VERY unlikely - we were wrong!  He got his wish!

We sent him a birthday package with a helium balloon that pops out of the box when he opens it!  Hopefully the other elders help make it a special day for him.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Kind of Missionary I Want to Be

Dear Parents,

My arm kills.  I got a HEP A&B flu shot combo and it sucks.  But other than that I'm doing fantastic!  I'm so tired it's not even funny.  My companion made our room do pull-ups too, so I'm wasted. 

I got the package notice today, well tonight, so I'll pick it up tomorrow. 

The list I included is a list our Branch President asked us to make about what kind of missionary we want to be.  So there it is.  Go ahead and share it with the blog, if you don't mind.

From this point on I'll try and write a bit every day and send it off on P-day.  I can email just family every P-day, please forward it to other non-immediate fam and my friends.

I'm doing great! 

With much love,
Elder Seaver

The Kind of Missionary I Want to Be
  • I want to be the hardest working
  • I want to be vigilant in my studies
  • I want to be calm, understanding and personable
  • I want to HELP others
  • I want to make my family proud
  • I want to make Heavenly Father proud
  • I want to make the best of every day
  • I want to live up to my commitments
  • I want others to respect me and the church
  • I want to represent Christ honorably
  • I want to live to my potential
  • I want my friends to know my testimony and to know I want the best for each of them

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

James's First MTC Letter

Dear Family,

Today was crazy!  There is so much to learn.  My companion, Elder Cardon, is awesome.  He is from Lindon, went to P.G. and is just cool. 

We did a ton of crazy stuff.  We have a district of 10 guys, all going either to South Carolina or New Jersey.  Elder Cardon and the other 2 guys in our room are the SC guys.

We did this huge discussion with 3 mock investigators and all the new missionaries, it was cool.  I more or less learned what NOT to do though.  We have a seriously booked schedule, which I'll try to send home when I leave here.

The food was pretty good.  I'm starving now though.  Every Wednesday is ice cream day.  BYU creamery ice cream, it rocked.  There was a ton of flavors!  I had some berry kind it was good.

The day has been sooooooo long!  I'm gonna do it no prob., but it will be tough tomorrow, I can tell.  I'm missing my own bed right now.  I just want to get out to the field and do the Good Work!  They gave us a ton of stuff.  Most of it is pamphlets on teaching different principles like the word of wisdom. 

I'm really dying to get letters!  It's killing me not having my phone.....But that will pass I'm sure.  Well I can't think of much else to say.  I can only write you on P-day, except tomorrow and P-day is Wednesday, so expect letters then.  I'd also love some pictures, one of the fam and some friends.  I would also love some envelops and stamps. 

I really love you mom & dad.

Love, Elder Seaver

P.S.  It's only 24 fast Sundays before I come home.  Also, can you send me a list of everyone's birthdays?  Sean, Tyler, Ethan, Mikey, and McCall too.
Thanks, Love ya!

Entering the MTC

The day finally arrived!!!  Elder Seaver entered the MTC today at 1:30 pm!   He was set apart last night at 10:30 pm (they like to do it so late so there is less chance of the Elders getting into trouble!)

He got a phone call this morning from his mission office saying they needed his driving record and license expiration extended (Mom and Dad have been telling him this for weeks) - this led to an early trip to the DMV (cutting it close?)  Then we got together for Dad's famous French toast and said our final farewells.  Mom and Dad dropped him off at the MTC.  There were many tears shed - but none by James.  He was way too excited (which is a great thing!)  We can't wait to get his first letter!
James and Sean
Saying bye to Chumlee (he informed us that he's going to miss Chumlee the most!)
Scarlett wore her Star Wars onesie just for Uncle James!
All packed!
Mom and Dad
Elder Seaver