Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Entering the MTC

The day finally arrived!!!  Elder Seaver entered the MTC today at 1:30 pm!   He was set apart last night at 10:30 pm (they like to do it so late so there is less chance of the Elders getting into trouble!)

He got a phone call this morning from his mission office saying they needed his driving record and license expiration extended (Mom and Dad have been telling him this for weeks) - this led to an early trip to the DMV (cutting it close?)  Then we got together for Dad's famous French toast and said our final farewells.  Mom and Dad dropped him off at the MTC.  There were many tears shed - but none by James.  He was way too excited (which is a great thing!)  We can't wait to get his first letter!
James and Sean
Saying bye to Chumlee (he informed us that he's going to miss Chumlee the most!)
Scarlett wore her Star Wars onesie just for Uncle James!
All packed!
Mom and Dad
Elder Seaver

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