Wednesday, September 7, 2011

James's First MTC Letter

Dear Family,

Today was crazy!  There is so much to learn.  My companion, Elder Cardon, is awesome.  He is from Lindon, went to P.G. and is just cool. 

We did a ton of crazy stuff.  We have a district of 10 guys, all going either to South Carolina or New Jersey.  Elder Cardon and the other 2 guys in our room are the SC guys.

We did this huge discussion with 3 mock investigators and all the new missionaries, it was cool.  I more or less learned what NOT to do though.  We have a seriously booked schedule, which I'll try to send home when I leave here.

The food was pretty good.  I'm starving now though.  Every Wednesday is ice cream day.  BYU creamery ice cream, it rocked.  There was a ton of flavors!  I had some berry kind it was good.

The day has been sooooooo long!  I'm gonna do it no prob., but it will be tough tomorrow, I can tell.  I'm missing my own bed right now.  I just want to get out to the field and do the Good Work!  They gave us a ton of stuff.  Most of it is pamphlets on teaching different principles like the word of wisdom. 

I'm really dying to get letters!  It's killing me not having my phone.....But that will pass I'm sure.  Well I can't think of much else to say.  I can only write you on P-day, except tomorrow and P-day is Wednesday, so expect letters then.  I'd also love some pictures, one of the fam and some friends.  I would also love some envelops and stamps. 

I really love you mom & dad.

Love, Elder Seaver

P.S.  It's only 24 fast Sundays before I come home.  Also, can you send me a list of everyone's birthdays?  Sean, Tyler, Ethan, Mikey, and McCall too.
Thanks, Love ya!

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