Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First Emails from the MTC

MOM! I'm emailing you from the MTC WOW!! This is awesome.

I only have half an hour to type a letter to everyone so I'll try and hurry. I wrote you a small letter and put it in the mail. It has some pictures. They have a printing station in the bookstore. It's cool. Well this place is awesome. They've thought of everything. There is a new batch of missionaries today and I feel so old. It's strange. The days feel like weeks, but the week felt like a day. I'm glad to hear you're doing all right. I'm also glad my shirts are going to a good use :)

Elder Seaver

In the following email James answered some questions I had asked him.  Following are the questions.
Is there anyone at the MTC that you already knew?  Are you enjoying the food?  Is the bed comfortable?  Are you getting enough sleep?  What kind of things do you learn during class time?  What is your favorite thing to do during PE.  What is your companion like?  How many other missionaries are going to South Carolina?

Yes someone here I already know. A kid named Jared Frost.

The food is fantastic! Tatertot casserole was sweet!

The bed is iffy. No I'm not getting enough sleep, but today I got a good nap, and between that and the Spirit I'll be all right.

We are learning the gospel. We're here to teach people, not wooden lessons. The lessons are a good guideline and what we need to focus on, but it's all about people.

There are a couple of lifting machines. I like to run a lap and then lift for 20 minutes or so. Then the last half hour I play volleyball. 

My companion is cool; Baseball player and plays a game called handball too. Never heard of it before. He is also a lady's man, or at least he loves the ladies and assumes they love him too. Ha-ha.

There are 4 of us going out together. We are all in a room together. Elders Bagley (bag lee), Kerr (kerr), Cardon (car din) and myself.

Elder Seaver

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