Monday, October 17, 2011

Splits with Zone Leaders

Dear Mom,

I am gonna try and not get surgery while I'm on my mission.  I'd rather deal with being sick every day than have to have surgery out here. I point blank refuse to have it done here. No I can't print off stuff from here. You'll have to send me whatever I'll need, minus the stuff you were gonna send about surgery. Also, I just barely got my medicine on Saturday, so you can hold off on sending me more. I'm good for a month. Yes, I have an insurance card. Well, 2 now actually. Haha. And thanks for sending my license. They check it every time I use my Missionary card at Walmart and they almost didn't accept it last week. Now I won't have to worry!

So B will not be getting baptized. R has not even tried to call and find out about getting a divorce so we are dropping them for now. They aren't keeping commitments, and there are others out there who could benefit from those 2-4 hours a week we spend with them. It's sad, but it's what we gotta do. We're also dropping K S. She ditched out of church last week and yesterday, and she isn't reading. BLAH! We're also "sifting out the hearts of men" to find what investigators we have that ARE ready.  M is gonna be tough. We'll have to visit him about 4 times this week if he's gonna get in, and he lives in a city further out that's too far for us to drive on our mile limitation, but we have 3 rides lined up and hopefully a 4th. We'll see how it goes.

On Thursday we did splits with the Zone Leaders. They came over from Spartanburg to interview C&M, so they spent Wed night and all of Thur with us. Elder Ray went with Elder Greear and I went with Elder Wilcock. Man Elder W is the best missionary out there. We taught 9 lessons and set 3 people on date for baptism. Thats HUGE. We usually hit 9 in a week and 3 in a month, and Elder Wilcock and I did it in 1 day! It was awesome beyond belief. We also went to Goodwill and got a bunch of ties. It was 50-cent tie day so I got 8. It rocked :)

So now I have just a few things I want to say and they probably won't make sense in any order, so I'll just say em.

Mitt Romney and his "cult" is turning out to be a huge tool. Everyone wants to know what "Mormonism" is.  Noah's Ark was built in South Carolina, or rather, what was to become present day South Carolina. On Thursday I long-snapped a basketball from half-court and made a basket. I have a wart on the side of my foot that's been there a while and I want to freeze it off. Think that's a good idea? I need a set of headphones, but I don't want to buy them out here cause wandering to that side of the store makes me homesick. I need them for use on the computer to watch videos for training. Every car out here is crap, but they all roll on sick 26" rims. It looks so dumb! Haha. I saw a monument dedicated to "Our Confederate Dead" but we were driving with a member and I couldn't get a picture. When we went to C & M's house one night with Brother Washington (C&M weren't home) we think we heard a gunshot. Ooo...  When a word in the Bible is in italics it is because there's no English word that translates from what the original was and the italic word is the closest thing. You don't see that in the Book of Mormon because it's perfectly translated :) Yesterday at church I gave a talk and also taught Gospel Principles class. It was awesome. I'm trying out a bunch of different cran-fruit combo juices. Cran-blackberry rocks fyi.  Those hero cards are sweet, and the rest of the package rocked! THANKS!!

We are allowed to make a profile while out here, make your own too, so I can check ‘em out on Friday! We get to use the computers for an hour every Friday for

When Joseph Smith was in prison with all the other guys (not Carthage, the one before that) they had the following experience:
     The men were given meat to eat one morning that looked particularly dark. One of them tried to cut the meat, but dropped the knife and fork. He picked them up and tried again, but again dropped the silverware. As he reached down to grab them Joseph said "Do not pick them up. Do not eat that meat, for it is human." They later overheard the guards bragging that they had "cut the meat off a dead n****r's thigh."

I think that's all I had to tell you this week. I'll try and get those q-lists filled out and sent home today. I'll also see if I can't print some pictures when we go to Walmart in a few minutes.

Love you all dearly, and looking forward to seeing you all again!
Hurrah for Israel
Elder Seaver

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