Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Lockdown


The business stuff: No he did not give me anything. My Gall Bladder is draining 68% (or rather it was when we got the scan), which is normal, so we won't be taking that out. But this Wednesday I am eating some nuclear eggs and they are watching me digest. This doctor, Dr. Sheikh, is pretty awesome, way smart, and told me that there is not a lot of things that make a teenage boy sick every morning and thinks I have something called "stomach paralysis", whatever that is? I'm also getting blood work done that day.

So I have 2, maybe 3, warts on my foot. Should I freeze them off? Also, I have done a ton of sewing since I got here. I have done some basic repairs to a hole in my gloves, and to a small hole in my suit. I am also now prepared to give myself stitches if the time comes. I prepped myself mentally and skillfully for that day (which will hopefully never come). :) Along with that statement, I am in need of my UVU sweatshirt. It's very cold in the mornings, and it will fit well over my shirt and tie.

Yes, we will be home on Halloween (today). Normally we go out from 6PM-9PM on P-days just like a normal day, but today we're doing 3-6 and lockdown (no leaving the apartment) after that, so we can still teach and share the good word but not be in danger of pranks.

So I found out I can print emails here, but it costs $0.10 a page. I just would rather not print at all. Nah I don't need a copy of the emails, in fact I think I'm going to send some of my letters home cause I have no room for them anymore! Hahaha.

I would not oppose to some good low-fat recipes being sent to me, but simple stuff, like not crock-pot or long stuff. We only have 30-60 minutes depending on the day to eat so it's gotta be like something simple.

I'm a little sad to hear about Sister Aycock, she was a nice lady, but she's in a much better place now. This I know, the Spirit World needs people like her. There are just too many people there that need the gospel, and I know with all my heart she will be a catalyst in moving the work along there.

That's so great about Kevin!!!!! I'm so happy for him! That's so awesome! He will be a fine missionary! The Lord needs people like him, who will thrust in his sickle with his might, and harvest the fields. YAY! Along those lines, there was an ET (emergency transfer) that affected 14 companionships this transfer. Some missionary, I don't know who, decided the Law of Chastity didn't apply to him and he got sent home, so they had to move around a bunch of missionaries to even it all out and make sure the vineyard was all cared for. Sad.

So this week we had a Leadership Training meeting with two of the Brethren who worked on Preach My Gospel. President Littlefield, (I know his son, Joe), helped write PMG, and President Donaldson was the Mission President of The District 2. I am not sure if I told you about The District, so let me know in your letter and I will fill you in. They were amazing. Only Assistants, Zone Leaders, District Leaders, Trainers, and Trainees got to go, so about 40 missionaries of the 170ish in our mission. I'm glad I got to take part in it, and I learned a ton! We are doing well on finding people, but we need to work harder on teaching. We are also seeking referrals more.

Here are some statistics for you: 
  • 60% of converts will go inactive within a year.
  • 1/1000 people we contact will get baptized.
  • People are 80x more likely to get baptized if we have some background information about them, such as their name.
  • People are 660x more likely to get baptized if they have a friend in the ward.

These stats are what drive us to seek referrals rather than just tract all day.

This January they are showing a special 8ish part thing about The District. We didn't get a lot of info, so if it's new stuff we haven't seen, but y'all can watch it, and please do! Record it, too, please. I will give you any other info on it if we get anymore.

Yesterday President and Sister Holm spoke in our ward. It was nice they came on the day Michael was confirmed, so they could see we're doing our job here in Anderson. :) Our ward has been complaining we "baptize people too soon and that's why they go inactive" but President set them straight. He told them that we, as missionaries, don't have any part in activity, just baptism. It's the ward's job to keep them active once they are members. A lot of people came up to the Bishop and President after to say they were sorry for judging.

Look at the Word of Wisdom in Doctrine and Covenants and think about what the blessings of keeping it are. I have something cool to show you when we go to the temple about it. Remember that.

Doctrine and Covenants 89 
18- And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones;
 19- And shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures;
 20- And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint.
 21- And I, the Lord, give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them. Amen.

2 Nephi 28:25 says we can't sing the song Come, Come Ye Saints anymore. 
  25- Wo be unto him that crieth: All is well! 
We visited a referral yesterday, (he's not interested though), who had 2 mustangs. A '65 C that was all restored, and a 60something GT as well. They were sick and I took pictures to show you when you get my card.

Basically that's it for now. Oh, I have another idea for a Christmas present. At the sports store in the mall by the food court, whatever it's called, they have Under Armour ninja masks. They are for like skiing and stuff; one kind covers your whole head and the other kind just covers your mouth. I'd like one of the mouth covers. I don't want to cover my hair so it stays nice. :)  It is getting colder every day. Today it was 37 when I woke up. Exercising in that was not pleasant... Oh, by the way, I have been doing push-ups to exercise and today I did 200. I switch every 10 between diamond (where your pointer fingers and thumbs touch and make a diamond with the negative space between them), wide-outs (where my hands are farther out than my shoulders), and normal. It wasn't all in one go, but in the 10 minutes we were outside I did 200! My arms are getting so ripped :p

I got my own dishes this week. They're kinda childish, colorful plastic, and a cup with the straw built into it, but I love ‘em!

We met a family of 4 from Burma this week. They're not really ready for the gospel, but it was cool to meet them.

I saw a trailer hitch that had a big pole hooked to it and a barbeque on the end. It folded up right next to the tailgate, and it could fold out so you could sit on the tailgate and still barbeque your 'gater and chitterlings (pronounced chit'lins by the good ol' Southerners). 
Chitterlings or pork intestines are a favorite among Southern families. Traditionally, they are prepared during the holiday season, but deep freezing makes them available year round.

I saw a police SUV and I now know why they call cops "the heat". The SUV had painted on the back "Highway Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic" a.k.a. the H.E.A.T.

F.Y.I. it takes about 4 days for me to get a letter from you guys.

I can't wait to get home and show you all the cool stuff we do as missionaries. Role-play, the Kikonke Method, and so on.

I love y'all! God be with you till we meet again!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

1 comment:

  1. Yikes that they have to stay inside on lockdown during Halloween! Better safe than sorry i guess!

    There were 2 missionaries at our ward Halloween party on Saturday, I thought they were just dressed up as missionaries for their costumes, but it turns out they were the real deal! Hopefully James gets to go to some ward parties too!
