Monday, November 21, 2011

Crazy Stuff is Happening Here in the Good ol' South

Mommy dearest

C and M got baptized this weekend! It was so awesome!!! And we had an investigator from last Sunday, M show up and watch and she is going to get baptized this weekend! Crazy stuff is happening here in the good ol' South. There is also an awesome guy in our ward named R M, who was baptized last Oct and got ordained an Elder during Stake Conference, who is helping us teach his 2 friends, D and T.  They are married.  They're all old, but R M is awesome and his friends are gonna get baptized, probably in December. 

We had our Primary Program, too, and it was awesome. Very cute! There were 2 little girls, about 6 I think, who sang solos and rocked hardcore. It was awesome.

I'm glad Jami's teeth went well! I was praying all week for her. That's so funny (the stuff she said)! Did she keep the teeth? Does she want me to make brass knuckles out of ‘em so she can bite people and punch them at the same time, or does she want cuff links and earrings?

Thanksgiving has been dubbed a "member day" meaning we spend maximum time at members' houses. We are being fed by the Loudins for sure, and probably a bit at every house we visit.

Also, yes I spent the night with Elder Thompson and I slept in Elder Benson's bed. We just swapped for 24 hours.

So about the stuff you're sending me. First of all, thanks for sending the stuff last week (I'll write Jenni a letter later today). So... Where did you get that rabbit fur you sent? Did I have that? It is so random! Hahahaha. I lovelovelove getting letters, and I can never have too many! I do my best to write back to all of them.

The Preach My Gospel DVD's can be bought on the LDS website,, and they're like $6 or something.

Can y'all figure out what I need to do to vote absentee for El Presidente?

Sister Addison (who added me on Facebook last night FYI) and Brother Woods (who y'all already accepted, according to him) both offered to let me use their computer to Skype you guys for Christmas instead of just phone call. So do whatever y'all need to do to get it all set up and let me know alrighty? :)

James has us keep up his Facebook account.  He is making lots of friends on his mission and he writes us and tells us who to add.

Last night we went to the Addisons' to drop off some pamphlets he wanted to have to hand out and stuff, and guess what was on the tv?! The last 30 laps of the race! Tony Stewart and Carl Edwards. Crazy. Tony won, not my favorite ending, but it sure was fun to watch!

So I was reading a talk in the conference issue y'all sent me and I wanted to share some stuff I learned from it. Richard G. Scott's talk on the scriptures: The scriptures have the potent power to heal emotional challenges, and accelerate physical healing. I never thought about physical healing! Read the scriptures! I know I will - I'll also be praying for Carl and Jen!

Ok that's about all I have for this week. Love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

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