Monday, November 7, 2011

Transfer 1 is Over

Well, transfer 1 is over. I made it halfway through training. I'm ready to move along now; I will finish up training with Elder Greear.

So on to some good news. I AM APPROVED TO DRIVE! It takes some missionaries up to a year to get approved to drive mission vehicles, but I got approved on the 24th and just found out this week! I am still not "designated driver" so I can't drive unless absolutely necessary, but I like to know I can :)

Brother H, the 2nd counselor in the bishopric, plays the drums. His band back in high school recorded 1 song. That song got sold by one of their band members to a film company. That song ended up being the theme song for a porn movie, and he is credited at the end. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  He actually didn't tell me this story, and doesn't know I know, a guy in the ward told me. Haha.

So here is some sad news. I got a letter from the mission office in the mail the other day. In it was an orange Hallmark envelope with 3 stamps on it, kinda smashed, and completely empty. Sister Lewis from the office said they received it empty and was sorry... Do you have any idea who that is from?

The blog! I saw it on Friday for just a minute! IT ROCKS!!!!! As far as confidential goes, yeah I'm glad you're leaving some stuff out. The Brethren in SLC have asked missionaries with blogs to leave out investigators last names, but first is fine. People will search out missionary blogs, look for names and cities, and go and anti them. Dumb eh?

Yeah the District stuff is DVDs though I'm not sure where you could get ‘em. Look on maybe? They have most of the stuff you can buy from the church there.

Halloween - we had 1 person knock, and they were gone by the time we got to the door. Good thing, too, since we had no candy! Hahahaha.

I am so buff now. It's ridiculous. I'm just freaking built now. Haha. My arms are getting so huge. I am loving it! Hahahaha. I guess it would be better to run or something, but I love having huge arms. Haha. It's getting hard to scratch my back and head and stuff cause they're so big. Haha. My suit coat is getting tight, too. :)

Family pictures when I get home will be awesome. Hopefully there is a new baby, a new husband, and a new wife by then. Yes, I mean my wife.

I have some other stuff to say to say so I will write you when I get back to my apartment.  I'm just running short on time. The library only gives us 45 minutes, and I still have to write President.

So I will probably send the package I want to send you closer to the 21st.   I want to finish the training book before that so I can send it home.


Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver


  1. Mom - way to post this right after you read it! You rock!

  2. That I think was the Halloween card with pics in it from me ! Good to know Lori s luck lives on . That bites!
