Monday, November 28, 2011

A Miracle From On High


So Lori sent me a gift card to Walmart :) Money I can spend on whatever! Haha. She sent the Sour Cream Chicken recipe, too, which I forgot to bring with me today to shop... She also said she was the one that sent that orange envelope which came with nothing in it. Mystery solved. Lori is awesome!

This week on Friday M L W was baptized and confirmed yesterday. That's 3 this month, which is the goal President Holm has for each missionary by the time he goes home (a.k.a. 250 baptisms a month for the mission). M L W is a miracle from on high. She lost her home and Sister V, a single old lady in our ward, met her at the library and invited her to live with her. So Sister V introduced us and we taught her. 2 weeks later she was baptized, and she was done with the Book of Mormon before she was confirmed. She is already on her second time through and it's been 18 days since she picked it up. WOW.

Remember the family from Burma I mentioned earlier? Well we still go over there about once a week trying to get B, the brother, interested. We'll get there. Anyways we went and saw T T  at her job making sushi at Publix, a rich person grocerie store. We bought some and I am in love with Spicy Tuna. She loved seeing us and she said she was talking to B and he said "Elder Seaver really cares about me. He is so patient."  That made me happy.

President Holm sent a message to the mission and asked us to get at least 10 members of our wards to have profiles by Zone Conference (for us December 13, all of em are the next couple days after that) for a pilot study. I think I mentioned that earlier? It's something he and the Church are coming up with, and they picked Pres Holm because of his experience as CEO of World Banking Corp. We so far have 11 in our ward, and working hard on more.

So our car was over 50,000 miles last week which meant we were to get a new one. Since I don't bike we just traded with the Elders down in Greenwood. They have a "car share" which means there are 4 of them and they swap who drives all day and who rides bikes. Since they use the bike rack, which used to be on the trunk of the old cars and is now a hitch thingy on the new ones to save scratches, they get the new car and we get their 42,000 mile '08 Malibu. We got it since we don't use the bike rack and it'll save this car the scratches. It's way better than the old tiny '09 Corolla we had. I despised that tiny car. It's more like driving a lunchbox than a car, but this Malibu rocks. So nice. :)

I found out that the random really tall spots of grass are actually wild onions! I have picked some and am gonna use em to cook soon as I think of a recipe. It's awesome.

Oh yeah, Thanksgiving! So funny to hear about Chumlee :) It reminded me of that time we saw him sneaking off with that ice-cream cup from Iceburg, remember? Hahaha. I'm glad he's ok. I now know that no matter what Jen says about Chumblebee she really does love him, or she wouldn't have saved his life :D We ate dinner with the Loudins, a recently reactivated family who's oldest son just got baptized (he was 8 so it wasn't a convert baptism)! It was a lot of fun! Normal food except for more Southern macaroni and cheese. It's so much better down here! There's egg in it and all kinds of stuff that makes it super good! We went to the Woods' house after and had a lot of fun with them. They're so awesome! I love going there cause they're from Utah and it's fun to talk about it. We also got to borrow like 20 talks on CD of John Bytheway from them. It's awesome!

We saw a commercial when we were at someone's house that is Chuck Norris and World of Warcraft. It's super funny! Check it out haha.

This Friday and Saturday we tried some new finding efforts - we went to the Anderson Mall and handed out 100 pass-alongs and Saturday we did the same thing at the Jockey Lot (the biggest flea market in South Carolina). It was a lot of fun. In total we handed out 227 cards in 3 hours. Very efficient, but I don't think we'll do it again very soon. It was sketchy, and I was worried the whole time that I might get kicked out hahaha. We asked store owners at the mall, though, and some of them even took 15 or so and put them by the register to hand out! The Southerners love handing out stuff with Jesus on it, especially around Christmas :)

So I have been praying for a new investigator to get baptized this coming month, and guess what?! Prayer answered! Some random South American guy named O is on date for the 17. He is "ready to make some big changes to be a better person." :D

Can you send me that CD I wanted...? Also I need a copy of the BYU Choir CD I have for President. He wants one haha. Please and thankyou!

So I have a couple other things I wanna say, but I'll save it for a letter home.

This ward is just flat out awesome.

I love you guys so much!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

P.S. Forgot to mention: Black Widow appeared and played a main role in Iron Man 2, and was played by Scarlett Johannson. I'm pumped to read about the rest of them and see the movie when I get home! Can we all dress up, too? I call Hulk so I can go shirtless.

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