Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Holy Moses it was Fantastic to See Y'all


So we were given permission to email today since the libraries were all closed yesterday. Not much has changed in 2 days... But holy Moses was it fantastic to see y'all! I can't believe how different everyone looked! Except for you and dad, y'all looked about the same. It was so awesome to be able to talk to everyone! I can't believe I've been out for 4 months already. It's so crazy! It seems so slow in the moment, but time has flown looking back.

We went to the mall on Monday cause we both had Christmas cash, and no email, so lots of time to kill. It was fun for a while, but, as you know, shopping blows, and we got really tired, really fast. :p

I have been realizing lately, as I think about high school and whatnot, that, contrary to how I thought I'd feel about it, I only have good memories about it. I thought I'd grow up and tell my kids one day that I hated it, but turns out it was a lot of fun being in high school. Minus little tiffs and whatever (which is normal for everyone) it was fun. I'd never want to go back, but yknow. ;)

Yeah, Sean emails me pretty much every week, and I write back as soon as I can. He keeps me updated on all those friends I've got :p I love hearing about his life, and how he's realizing the Gospel's influence in everything. It's incredible to see, from this side, how y'all are changing and growing; even though I am missing it, I wouldn't have it any other way!

Yes, I SKYPEd from the Woods' house. They, and another family, the Pabsts, fed us a waffle dinner. Jenni woulda loved it, and it was stinkin’ delicious! Brother and Sister Woods are so awesome, and I'm so thankful to be friends with them. Their kids are so funny, too. It's always an adventure going there :p

Well that about sums up everything I've got. I really love you guys. Even though I miss home still, I'm not homesick anymore, yknow? It's like, yeah it'd be nice to be there, but this is home for now. I love serving the Lord and the people of Anderson, and I'll love coming home in 619 days, 8 hours, 46 minutes, and some change (who's counting anyway?)!

Love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

Monday, December 19, 2011

Drum Roll Please


Our week has been slow otherwise, and we are struggling to find new investigators. We have one, C B (his step-mom called you not long ago), who is going well, though he will probably not make the covenant till January. Oh well...

So we need new brakes on our car, and no one up in Anderson will take Elder Hunt's (the senior couple Elder in charge of the cars) credit card over the phone. More on that later.

So transfers are Wednesday. We get a call each Saturday before transfers saying who will stay and who will go, though no info on where they're going or who is coming in. Drum roll please............ I will be........... Staying in Anderson! I will be here until at least February 1st, meaning I will be able to SKYPE y'all! I will also be receiving a new companion!

So some news. Remember Elder Thompson y'all wrote for me? He came out with us and he is training a new missionary. He has to go down to Columbia on Tuesday, and he will be in the 12 week training program with a new Elder for, well, the next 12 weeks. We're all wondering what will happen since he can't drive (didn't turn in all the paperwork...) and new Elders can't for at least a month. :p

I will ask President on Wednesday if I can look. We go to the Library every Friday anyways to check out mormon.org. I think he'll be ok with it, but we'll see. We'll talk more on Sunday about that.

Is there any new Singulair in the box you sent for Christmas? If not, in the next email can you tell me how I can get some? I've been out since Wednesday and I'm feelin it...

So Dad, thank you for teaching me how to not scrape when I drive and to take care of my ride. Everyone that drives our mission cars, aka the Lord's cars, either doesn't care or doesn't know how to take care. Elder G scrapes the car on what seems to be flat ground all the time! And they all park like sheep right in the pack... Shame shame... Hopefully I get to drive this coming transfer, but we'll see. Either way, my new companion will not be sheep-parking :p These poor mission cars don't need any more dings...

So Brandon Flowers, the lead singer for the Killers, has a mormon.org video. The song on there is addicting! I wish I had it... I don't know if it's missionary approved though... :/

Um.. Steve Jobs died?! When did that happen?! DID that happen? I heard about it in passing. Is it true? Details please!

I heard a silly joke the other day: A woman was speeding down the road and was pulled over by the State Trooper. The Trooper walked up to her window and she said "Are you gonna invite me to one of those fancy State Trooper Balls?"
The Trooper looked at her in puzzlement and said "State Troopers don't have balls, ma'am."
Blushing, the Trooper let the woman go with an ashamed wave...

Last thing, last night I had a dream I was hanging out with Sean and some new friends he had. One of them asked my name and I responded, "Well am I still on my mission in this dream?" The person I was talking to nodded so I said, "I'm Elder Seaver. But when I decide I'm not on my mission in this dream I'll be James." Haha. What? Weird...

Well that about sums up the week.

I love you all so much!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

Monday, December 12, 2011

White December


Holy Moses I'm almost done with my 2nd transfer! Phase 1 complete. 

So this week has been slow for us, like the last few. We're struggling to find new investigators, and all the people we are "teaching" are rescheduling our appointments, so we never get to teach them. President asked us to make December a "White December" where every companionship baptizes (White cause we wear white, not racism or snow...). I'm worried we won't baptize this month!

So I'm reading the War Chapters in Alma right now and I am loving it! When I get home I'm writing 2 books: 1) Comedians of the Book of Mormon, a collection of all the funny verses in the scriptures, and 2) Teancum - The First Rogue, an in-depth review of Teancum and his mad ninja skills. That's my retirement plan.

So I was checking out family history on new.familysearch.org (by the way, did you get my email about that?) and there is a button on my name that says "find a wife". I wanted to press it haha :p

Ok to answer the question: No we do not get copies sent to us. Supposedly there is a pile we can look through of old Ensigns and a few copies of the newest issue at every Zone Conference or Transfer Meeting, but I haven't gone to one yet :p

The first Zone Conference I'll ever have is tomorrow. The primary focus is about mormon.org. We'll finally know why President asked us to get ward members to have one! I've been dying to know (By the way, have y'all made one yet?)! It'll also be a fun Christmas party for the last half. President asked us to all fast the day before so we arrive at Zone Conference fasting, which means today from 1-tomorrow at 12 we're fasting. Fasting on a P day when we're at the apartment most of the day is gonna be hard. All that food....

Hahaha Chumlee! I love that pug, and miss him dearly. I'm glad he's doin ok, and that bed sounds AWESOME! Can't wait to try it out during our (Chumderbolt and Jimi Lightning) brotherly sleepovers when I get home haha.

Jon is gettin hitched! And Leslie! YAY! I'm so stinkin happy for them! 

As a coincidence I decided to shine my shoes (they are lookin good, too!) before we came to email today. If I hadn't, I woulda got here before your email! Divine inspiration? You decide. I think it was. The Lord loves me :D

Love you all dearly!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

Monday, December 5, 2011

This Week Was so Dull for Us


This week was so dull for us. We baptized everyone we were teaching and we're stuck tracting most of the time now to find new peeps. It gets old fast. We are teaching a couple, T and D, who live with a member, R (an old guy who is mostly blind now). R and T are friends, so when T and D were home-hunting (R having just bought a new house), R invited them to be his roommates. It's great for us as we teach, but they are not progressing very quickly...

SKYPE time will probably be later in the day. We're going to the Woods' house (the couple that you added to my Facebook) for dinner and that's where we'll do it. I'll call you on the phone just before. Dinner will probably be 2-4 your time, so around then. The only trouble is that there is still a possibility I will get transferred to a new area... Pray I stay in Anderson with a new companion!

I am excited for Christmas! I got super pumped for the holiday season yesterday. We went to the Anderson Christmas parade, which was fun, and we handed out cards afterwards. Then we went to the Busby's house to watch the Christmas Devotional from the First Presidency. It rocked! I really can't wait to talk to y'all, even if it does end up being just on the phone.

Y'all should get a mormon.org profile up so I can see em! Tell everyone else to get theirs up, too! Family and friends, everyone!

We met a 7-foot man the other day! He was moving so we offered to help. He was about done, so we just talked to him for a bit instead. He was moving to go be a preacher at a church in Columbia.. So he's probably not gonna get baptized any time soon :p

Ok well... Love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver