Monday, December 5, 2011

This Week Was so Dull for Us


This week was so dull for us. We baptized everyone we were teaching and we're stuck tracting most of the time now to find new peeps. It gets old fast. We are teaching a couple, T and D, who live with a member, R (an old guy who is mostly blind now). R and T are friends, so when T and D were home-hunting (R having just bought a new house), R invited them to be his roommates. It's great for us as we teach, but they are not progressing very quickly...

SKYPE time will probably be later in the day. We're going to the Woods' house (the couple that you added to my Facebook) for dinner and that's where we'll do it. I'll call you on the phone just before. Dinner will probably be 2-4 your time, so around then. The only trouble is that there is still a possibility I will get transferred to a new area... Pray I stay in Anderson with a new companion!

I am excited for Christmas! I got super pumped for the holiday season yesterday. We went to the Anderson Christmas parade, which was fun, and we handed out cards afterwards. Then we went to the Busby's house to watch the Christmas Devotional from the First Presidency. It rocked! I really can't wait to talk to y'all, even if it does end up being just on the phone.

Y'all should get a profile up so I can see em! Tell everyone else to get theirs up, too! Family and friends, everyone!

We met a 7-foot man the other day! He was moving so we offered to help. He was about done, so we just talked to him for a bit instead. He was moving to go be a preacher at a church in Columbia.. So he's probably not gonna get baptized any time soon :p

Ok well... Love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

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