Monday, February 20, 2012

Better Late Than Never

So Last Monday was President's Day and in the past Elder Seaver was unable to send/receive mail on a holiday.  I was planning on emailing him later in the day when I realized with a start that he no longer goes to the library to get his mail, but to a church building.  It would NOT be closed on a holiday.  I hurried to the computer and started frantically writing him.  Before I was quite finished I received this email-
So here I am, lonely and cold, broken-hearted from lack of email. Mourning my losses, I bundle up on the floor and rock myself to sleep, wondering - what is love? Did anyone ever really love me? Did I ever really love anyone? What is love? With this deep, mind-blistering quandary rolling through my mind, I tumble into a fitful sleep, never to awaken; lost and alone, with no one here to comfort me, I pass into a world of torment, agony, and gnashing of teeth. If only I had really been loved. If only I had received an email...
Smart aleck!!!  I quickly sent my email and he then sent the following: 

So. Decided to email eh? Hahahaha. Better late than never, I suppose. Unless we're talking about diarrhea, in which case it's better never than late. Speaking of which, Elder Kerr is pretty sick today. He is having a rough time with a flu bug rollin' around the mission. We got  a text about it even, so it's affecting that many missionaries. But we drugged him up and he is doing much better. Except for now - he is relieving some pressure right now by way of expulsion of previously eaten food and stomach acid through his esophagus and mouth. Yuck.

So........... There is a lot of random little things going on here. I don't really remember right now all the things investigator-wise currently, but they're all in my journal. I'll send home all my journals when this one gets full and y'all can catch up. Boy I wish I had a pensive. So we'll just say: this week the work of the Lord has been going forth boldly, nobly, and independent.
We have 6 investigators we're working with, and we have a good chance of baptizing them all. They are all solid (even though half of them have parental issues...).

C. M., a long-time investigator who was on date for this weekend, can't get baptized because her dad won't let her. But just this past Saturday her aunt passed away. I feel bad for thinking this, but maybe that was the answer to our prayers. Maybe their hearts will be softened and we will be able to help them. That is my dream, prayer, and goal, but we'll see how it goes. The funeral is today at 11, but it's in Columbia so we won't be going.. 

Man why is everyone dying?! It seems like the thing to do now-a-day. Like some fad for old people and rich people. Hopefully it'll pass... away. OOOOO bad pun!

So, question. Anyone wanna tell me how an automatic transmission works? I have no idea. I can't figure out why it doesn't just die when you come to a stop? Does it go into like a mini-neutral or something? HOW?!

Also, Jenni, can I please borrow New York Doll? If not, I totally understand. We just watch a movie every Friday night with people and I thought that'd be a good one.

That's about it. I'd like to end with a short quote:
"They say a man never really knows himself until his freedom has been taken away. I wonder, do you know yourself?"
-Arcturus Mengsk

Love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

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