Monday, February 13, 2012

This Week Has Been Super Freaking Fantastic!


Answer. Yes I got Lori's package, also the letter from the Hintons and a letter from the Holmans. Very nice :) I don't really remember what was in what box, but I do know that over the last few weeks I have enjoyed Subway with Elder Kerr, courtesy of a gift card, some peanut butter M &Ms (some meaning a huge heaping bag of awesomeness!), and some Wal-Mart goodies from a gift card there. Please thank Lori for all she is doing. She rocks!

Ok, you say your week was boring?! PFFFT! It sounds awesome! I can't believe all that is going on in the world and how much of it we miss out here... But, I do have to say this - there is nothing that compares to being here on a mission! Well, marriage is probably better, cause you can't really do certain things with your companion here that you CAN do with a wife...... Like going to the movies.

So this week has been super freaking fantastic! We have been working with C. M. and Z. A. mostly, which are both going well. We've also been working a bit with the V-family. They are neighbors to the B- family in our ward, who are awesome saints! We have been there once, and the B- family came with us. The dad, M., asked us a ton of deep doc questions. The first half of the lesson it was just M., the B- family, and us, and M. was looking confused the whole time. But then his son A. showed up and started asking questions. Right then M. started to get it. Ok, we were like teaching him all randomly and answering questions right? Well then all of a sudden he said, "So from what you've said, basically we all go to different 'degrees' of heaven when we die depending on how we lived in this life and the life to come?" We hadn't got that far quite yet, and when he threw out the word "degrees" like that it was just *BOOM* revelation! He totally understood it all and started answering his son's questions and it was amazing. :D

Back to Z. and C. So they, and this other girl we met on Sunday named A., are all in the same boat - kinda. Z. has been taught mostly everything, believes it, and is ready for baptism. It all now rests on his parents giving him permission. It's a complicated situation at home, but all-in-all we're confident they will say yes. His dad believes and is willing to get baptized, and his mom is active. But they aren't married. It's complicated. Anyway. Yeah. So Z. is in, it's just a matter of WHEN. 

C. is 19, so she can get baptized whenever, but she still lives at home. She believes everything and is set on date for the 26 of this month. Her dad does not support her (don't know about her mom), and she wants to honor his decision since she still lives at home. So we have plans for this week to go visit him and ask what's up! Bishop Johnson, from this ward, offered to go with us and visit him which I think will be fantastic! There are just some things an inspired adult can say and do that puny mortals like Elder Kerr and myself can't. And A. is similar - she is 16, has read the B of M, believes, and wants to get baptized. A girl in the ward has been working with her for a year (they are best friends). A.'s parents are strict Southern Baptists, she's not allowed to even be friends with Mormons, but her parents don't know her best friend K. is a member, so she goes there and sleeps over Saturday and comes to church Sunday. :D  K. is moving to PG, Utah next week though, so that's going to end. We're pretty worried about A.. So we will work with her some more and see what we can do.

I'd like to ask y'all to please remember Z., C., and A. in your prayers.

Speaking of Z., mom will you look through my room (probably in that little black shelf thingy with the small drawers and the top hatch deal) and find Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, and Fire Red and send them to me? I'm going to give them to Z.

Well that's about all I got for this week. Have a fantastic Valentine's Day. But not too good. You are my parents and that is gross. You know what I mean. Ew. No. You're too old for that. You should not be going to the movies, even if Star Wars is now in 3D. NO!

Love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

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