Monday, February 27, 2012

Tornado Warning

Dearest mother of mine!
The work this week is as follows:
We had some good lessons from our Zone Leaders, Elder Law and Elder Israelsen. We were kinda rebuked across the mission a bit for being... slack. So we repented and got on the ball. We had a fantastic week afterward! We hit all of our goals, so you know what that means..... The work has gone forth boldly, nobley, and independant once again! We have a lady named D., who has been mentioned before, who is really going along well. I have high hopes for her to be baptized in March. Z. and his parents are slowly coming to the final baptismal decision. Z. wants his mom and step-dad to be there, though... I believe they live in Texas, so that might be a problem. But, in good news, we are teaching 4 other people, all of whom are progressing (though we may have to drop them since they won't come to church!!!!!). :/
So anywho, I have been having so much fun here in Aiken. I love it to death. The BRP is really helping though. It has at least got sharing the gospel on the minds of the members, and some of them are really excited to participate in shepherding their friends like the Lord has asked. I think it's funny that people blatently disregard commandments from God to share the gospel and "warn [their] neighbor" as instructed in Doctrine and Covenants. If only they knew what they were doing. If only they knew they'd be standing accountable before the Lord for who they did and didn't bring into the fold of God.
I love the story by Elder Ballard he tells in "Our Search for Happiness" about faith. I will summarize as best I can:
Elder Ballard was a mission president in Toronto. Some of his missionaries set up a meeting with many leaders from other denominations in the area and invited then President Ballard to speak to them. After some Q&A and a brief explination of our beliefs, the topic of discussion turned to the Book of Mormon. President Ballard explained where they came from, and the story of the translation of the Plates. One of the men spoke up at this point and said "Mr. Ballard, if you would only just show us these plates, then we would know what you were saying was true." President Ballard looked at the men in the room for a moment (I'm sure listening to the Spirit and discerning what the concern these men had), and responded, "If I set the Plates on the table in front of you right now it would in no way cause you to believe my message is true." He then expounded on the point of doctrine related to faith- that faith is something hoped for and not seen. We can have all the angels appear to us as we want, and that will not change a thing. That is a fact. It is only by faith that we may know the truth of all things- only by sincere prayer, study, and real intent to act on the impressions we receive that we will grow and learn.
Oh yeah I totally forgot! We had a crazy random 15 minute typhoon-like storm here on Friday! Rain so think you couldn't see 10 feet in front of you, and hail the size of dimes. It was nuts! We got a message about a tornado warning with the disclamer "don't worry, its just going through Wagener, so no big deal" except for the fact that Wagener is in OUR AREA!  Haha.. As far as I know nothing got hit, but we're not exactly in the loop either. It was just some fun weather that day. And as far as weather goes, we've had days this week in the 80's and in the 30's, so... Yeah.
BTW another funny story. I just accidentally deleted the whole email I was typing. Luckily we have the fancy "undo" command to save my skin from everlasting shame.......

Keep the faith.
I love you guys so stinkin much!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver
P.S. I'm so glad for Leslie!
P.P.S. Why is everyone dying all of a sudden?! Sheesh...
P.P.P.S. Give Chumlee a big ol' smooch for me :)
Therefore..., let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.

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