Monday, March 26, 2012

The Grass is Greener on This Side

Dear mother,

The grass here is all green. It's not even hard for people to grow stuff, so they don't even bother with their lawns and whatever. It's just all green and overgrown, but somehow still beautiful - at times anyway. The Kudzu is nasty. It eats trees. But randomly there will be purple flowers growing in trees and stuff that are pretty. Don't know what they are. Anyway, moral of the story, the grass is greener on this side. :)

Z.'s baptism was stinkin’ awesome! B., Z.'s brother, baptized him, and N., his bro-in-law, confirmed him! It was just fantastic! Everything about it was great. I love baptisms! As a coincidence, we got to go to Augusta on Saturday before Z.'s baptism to watch one of Elder Cramer's investigators from his last area get baptized. It was great! She is an African American lady with a tattoo on her shoulder that says "100% black" haha.

W. P. didn't come to church on Sunday. Again. But this time he had a legit reason- he rode his motorcycle to Tennessee to leave flowers on his wife's grave. So. Hard to compete Gospel against family, especially when the Gospel is centered on family. D. didn't come to church either for some reason... I'm a lill’ worried, but not too much. Conference is coming up, and I'm 99.9% sure she's gonna watch it. You can put your money on the Prophet. 

So that's basically all there is to report this week. Now on to random other stuff.

Can you do me el favor? Get the book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie, and if you can find it "World's Greatest Salesman" by someonewho'snameIdonothaveatthecurrenttime. Don't send 'em to me yet, cause I still have to ask President if I can read them on p-day, but I will for sure read them when I get home.

Question for anyone who knows the answer- Why do dirt and sand roads get all bumpy, especially when they're dry? Like, they get all ridgey and like a washboard. I don't understand the science behind that, and it's stinkin' annoying............

Note to anyone looking for a particularly spiritual experience- Mormon Messages on A Testimony of the Book of Mormon, and Motherhood: An Eternal Partnership with God, both by Jeffery R. Holland.

That's about it for me this week. Love you guys so much! 

Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

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