Monday, March 5, 2012

Anderson was sweet, Aiken is sweet, and South Carolina is sweet!

Dear mom,
This week has been weird. We got almost nothing done. We had Zone Conference (Elder Cardon is still in Augusta, so we got to spend the day together again!) and learned a ton. We watched a video of Elder Holland speaking at the MTC from Jan 2011, and it was amazing. But before that day and after that day we had an awful time. Some people are lacking motivation lately. Some Elders here complain about hating every aspect of South Carolina and missionary work.... No bueno. But, on the flip side, you are right. Every single day I love it more and more here! Anderson was sweet, Aiken is sweet, and South Carolina is sweet!
Anywho, remember our investigator Z. So Z. is living with his dad and his dad's girlfriend and her kids right? Yeah. And his "sister" got married Saturday in the Columbia temple! She is way hot. Hahah. We got permission to go, but unfortunately we don't have enough miles to travel that distance, besides the fact that it would have wasted our day (in hind sight our day was useless anyways, so it wouldn't have been so bad..).
I've been reading the scriptures lately looking for verses to help motivate the other Elders. I found this one today in Doctrine & Covenants: 30:2
"But your mind has been on the things of the earth more than on the things of me, your Maker, and the ministry whereunto you have been called; and you have not given heed unto my Spirit, and to those who were set over you, but have been persuaded by those whom I have not commanded."
I shared it with them, but they showed no positive feedback (Except Elder Harper, our district leader. He's in the same boat as me trying to motivate our companions). I hope it impacted them though, because the work is suffering. Precious souls are in need of the Gospel, and we don't get to share it with them.

Ok I totally forgot to tell you that we went to Brother S.'s house and did service this week. We cleaned out his shed and helped him fix it up. Let me mention- he has 20 or so chickens, 3 turkeys (one of which was laying in the middle of the shed on rocks it thought were its eggs so it was super protective in nesting mode and it hissed like a snake when we walked past it), 2 big dogs, and 27 Chihuahuas. I was rolling around on the floor with the Chihuahuas after we were done working with him and one of em bit me on the elbow! I hope it wasn't radioactive, because Chihuahua Man is really lame for a superhero concept. Anyway, it was all good fun! I only lost a bit of elbow skin and a couple popped blood vessels. 

Love you all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

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