Monday, March 19, 2012

That's South Cakalaki For Ya

Dear Mommy,

My new companion is none other than.... Elder Cramer from Las Vegas! He is so awesome. As an "it's a small world" note, his uncle is Mr. Cramer, the photo teacher at MV. Yeah. He's been out about 62.5% of his mission so far.

Elder Stever (yes, Seaver and Stever live together. Confusing? Yes.) is Elder Harper's new companion. He is awesome. Elder Wilcock trained him oh-so-very long ago. P.S. Elder Wilcock- I mean Seth- is sleeping safely and happily in Gilbert, AZ now... I miss that guy...... Elder Thompson, from my first district in Anderson, replaced Elder Wilcock and is in my district once again! The Zone leaders are Elder Law and Elder Waugh (pronounced like the sound you use to describe the sound of a dirt bike). So yes, wa-la! Waugh-Law! Elder Waugh and I went to high school together, for those of you who may know him. We had Seminary together my junior year. It's awesome! We had some time together when the ZL's came down to interview Z. and shoulder-angel D. (teach together with us. A super powerful 4-man/angel assault of Spirit!) Our Zone is stacked with awesome missionaries right now! Good things are going to happen!

Speaking of good things happening, Z. is getting baptized on Saturday! I'm so pumped! Lots of prayers have gone towards that, and I want to say thank you to all of those who have prayed for him- we couldn't have done it without you! D.V. has agreed to baptism on the 7th of April! She wanted to see the Prophet in action first. :) W. P., the guy I told you about last time who walked in the church, is on date for the 14th, too. So many great things are happening!

So, this question goes out to anyone who may have a solution: is there any perfume or anything with the scent of "tea olive"? Kindly respond soon if there is. I want it.

I don't know if I told you Jenni, but the frame you got me for Christmas has the little USB slot in it y'know? And I can use it to charge my GPS hahaha. Genius!

We heard a talk at Zone Conference from Elder Holland. It was amazing. He spoke about Peter the Apostle and just wow. I have been studying Peter and his life ever since. I will one day hope to share it with you, but typing it just doesn't do it justice...

Well that is really all I have this week. It seems like the busiest weeks have the least to write... Same as in my journal- the busy days are the shortest entries. Wonder why... That's South Cakalaki for ya.

I love you all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

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