Monday, May 28, 2012

Love Y'all Immensely!

Dear mom,

This week was super boring. We did almost nothing but knock on doors with no one home! Agh.. I have huge blisters on my heels. I've walked almost 700 miles, and a good part of that is in this area. Sheesh. Working hard though!

We're at a member's house and we don't have too much time, so I will be brief. There are just a coupla things to say for this week.

My friend Andrea Martins is in the conference ensign.  It was cool to see her!

Elder Stanley and I went to the Harbors youngest son's wedding reception! It was cool cause we spoke to a non-member friend of the family the whole time, and gave them a B of M afterwards. We also both spoke in Sacrament meeting this week. It was fun!

I was wondering, would you pretty please send me my camel back? Or, if you think it would be cheaper or whatever I can buy one out here. I'll just wait till next week to decide.

Yeah, go ahead and add em both on Facebook. I miss Elder Greear.... I had a dream this week they re-called him to our mission and we were companions again and it rocked!

So anyways. That's really it this week. Super boring week.

Love y'all immensely!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

Monday, May 21, 2012

R.I.P. Chumlee. See Ya Soon!

This Sunday I heard a talk by President Jensen, the stake president in the W. Columbia Stake. He made some comments about the Atonement and it's far-reaching effects. He said "I just want to make it home." I know that the Atonement of Jesus Christ enables us all- man, woman, child- to "return to that God who gave them life" (Alma 40). Every living thing on this planet is a child of our Father in Heaven. Everything. As the saying goes, "all dogs go to heaven." I'm glad he passed happily. I know he is glad you buried him in the yard.  Thank you for letting me know. I met a pug yesterday as a matter of fact. He is 4, and since they didn't neuter him he does this little pirouette twirl with both back legs off the ground and just his front planted to avoid the spot he peed on. Weird!

I do want to say my favorite Chumlee story though. Once upon a time, when I was a wee lad, Brennan and I would walk calmly down the hallway towards the stairs and Chum would be in the kitchen. Then we'd take off at full speed towards the mirror and he would chase us and bark up a storm! For some reason it would freak us out, even though he never actually bit us (cause he was just being a loving, playful little buddy, whereas we figured he was a blood-thirsty destroyer!). One day we thought for sure he was gonna get us, so we ran and jumped onto mom and dad's bed! Close one! Well, later that week, when at least mom, dad, and myself (can't remember who else was there) we're watching tv on their bed, Chumlee came cruising down the hall and bounded up onto the bed!! :D Good dawg!

R.I.P. Chumlee. See ya soon!

In other news, happier albeit, I got to shake Quentin L. Cook's hand yesterday! He spoke at the W. Columbia stake conference! It was sweet! He got up and said, "It's interesting to be here right now, with a message from the Lord for you. I don't know what the message is right now, but I'll open my mouth and we'll all find out! How's that sound?" He was so funny, but really spiritual, too! He told us about what the brethren are concerned about in our world right now, and how the Gospel of Jesus Christ can help us all to conquer those concerns. Really cool. He also told a story about when his youngest son was 3. They were doing family home evening, and they were telling the story of Moses leading the Israelites to freedom. The 3-year-old was Moses, and Elder cook was Pharaoh. Moses said, "Let my people go!" and, acted out as the story goes, Elder Cook said no. His son asked again, and he said no again. The third time he asked, Elder Cook, who was kneeling down to be on his level, said no once again. His dear young son, being quite frustrated, punched him square in the nose and said, "LET MY PEOPLE GO!" Hahahaha. So funny!

We also got to spend time with Elders Gonzalez and Giddens of the seventy. They are over our region. We had a great time hearing stories of missionary work and a Q&A to help us be better. It was so sweet and spiritual!

So I have been waking up these last couple weeks with the Angry Bird, Bowser, and Yoshi randomly in my bed (usually they are on the nightstand. It goes wall, my bed, my nightstand, Elder Stanley's bed, his nightstand, space, closet). I haven't been able to figure out why. So finally a couple days ago I mentioned it to Elder Stanley. He was like; “I dunno man.” Later on, for some reason, it really started to bother me! I couldn't figure out what was going on! I kinda mentioned it in passing again, like man I wonder how I keep waking up with these things. Elder Stanley was like, "Maybe when you snore someone throws them at you to make you stop. And maybe he does it like with all of 'em and you keep snoring. Maybe he pegs you square in the face and it doesn't even make you skip a beat!" Hahahahahahahaha. He's been, well, you get it. Today I woke up and his mattress and he were across the room on the floor by the air conditioner trying to block out the sound. Poor guy. I didn't even know I snored! I guess I get it from my dad. And maybe dear old Chumlee is sleeping near me, snoring like he usually does, and that's why I don't stop when he nails me. Cause it's Chumblebee snoring. Ya dig? I do.

So speaking of Celtic Woman, I have discovered 1 album I do not own. I don't know the name of it, but it is a Celtic Woman Christmas album. Obviously they don't sell it right now in stores, so I'll have to wait I guess. Maybe you can find it online? S

Oh yeah, remember that pug I mentioned I met earlier? His name is Harley. He's fawn color though. But still. It's a pug week I guess!

Most of our investigators, just so y'all know, are kinda flaking out on us and we haven't been able to get a hold of them! :( Pray for them!!!! Read Alma 6:6 and then pray for   H. F. & family, and D. D. and her son A.!

That's about it for this week. Love y'all a ton!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

Where, when my aching grows?
Where, when I languish?
Where, in my need to know?
Where can I run?
Where is the quiet hand to calm my anguish?
Who, who can understand?
He, only One.

Monday, May 14, 2012

This Week was Stinkin' Fantastic!


Well it was just fantastic to see y'all yesterday! I loved hearing y'all talk about life. That's the best part of being a missionary- seeing the blessings poured out on the people I interact with! I was tickled pink (or rather, scarlet) by Scarlett! She is just a fireball! Haha.

This week was stinkin' fantastic! We found 7 new investigators, and we put 3 people on date for baptism! It was really a week of harvesting the field. Y’know, it's "white, already to harvest" (D&C 4) and all that jazz.

D&C 4:4

For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

So there were some things I thought of this week that I didn't wanna waste time saying yesterday. Here they are:

I found my first official, bright, vibrant, unholy, cursed white hair this week. Since then I've found many more. Like father, like son, I suppose. I sure hope that's the case anyway, cause I'd rather have hair that's white than not at all- and besides that, dad looks like President Uchtdorf when they're wearing glasses, and I want to too! :D

This week it started raining hardcore, and it was the first time on my mission I've been completely, head-to-toe soaked. It was intense! My planner is all crunchy now that it's dried, and my pocket has some slight discoloration from the pass-along cards. Hahahahahaha.....

I really wanna read this book called Leda and the Swan. Never heard of it before a couple days ago, no idea what it's about, but I want it. I hear it's great! Anyone know anything about it? And if you do, do you think I could get President Holm's approval to read it?

My poor feet are blistered, cracked, bruised, and battered from all this walking. I sometimes feel like performing an amputation, but I think it'd be harder to walk around on nubs. The fact remains that I'll be walking anyway, so I might as well get over it. 

That's about it. Oh yeah, a guy down here told me I look like Jimmy Osmond. Is that a good thing...?

Love y'all so much!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

Monday, May 7, 2012

INTENSE! Awesome! Never Been Chased by a Dog Before

Dear mom,

This week was one of the toughest of my mission. We tracked literally the entire week. We found 0 new investigators. We walked at least 8 miles a day, usually more. We worked super stinking hard. But it paid off. On Sunday we talked to Brother Gerald, the 1st councilor in the bishopric, and he went over the ward list with us. We found a ton of part-member families who actually want us to come by! We are going to baptize so much in this area!

So while we were tracting around Lake Murray one day we had an interesting experience. We saw this lady mowing her lawn on a riding mower, so we decided to tract around her and when she was done go talk to her. She went behind her house, so we went back there. She was sitting on a chair listening to her iPod, and when she saw us she said, "There is a big German Shepherd in this yard. Go," completely calmly. Then, with a bit of gusto and urgency she yelled, "GO!" Right then we saw a big ol' dog poke it's head up from the bushes. Naturally, I wanted to pet him and feel his teeth, but since Elder Stanley took the lady's advice and started running, I followed suit. This dog meant business, though, and as we ran we took note of the dog's fierce barking and smell of blood and death. We made it into the car before he got to us, but it was INTENSE! Awesome! Never been chased by a dog before: D

So Saturday there was "Gilbert's Got Talent" (the youth talent show in the ward). It was pretty good. Afterward this girl came up to us (she was just 12) and started telling us about how she and her friend discovered that an Indian haunts the friend’s house and a little girl. She told us that she and her friend use an Ouija board to communicate with the ghosts; the ghosts spell messages to them and poke them and move stuff around. Sketchy! So we told her mom, and her mom put an end to that right quick!

Guess what happened last Sunday? The SCBC met in the Fastnaughts' neighborhood- wait. Let me explain this a bit more. The South Carolina Breakfast Club is, well, just that- a breakfast club in South Cakalaki. It's an airplane owner thing. They have met in an airport in SC every 2 weeks since 1932 (minus 2 years during WWII). This week it was hosted in the Fastnaughts' fly-in neighborhood. We went, and we got some sick pictures of small planes, and a video of a WWII bird-dog taking off. It was way cool! The coolest plane was called a "dragonfly." It has 2 sets of wings, slightly offset from each other on the fuselage. Way stinkin cool!

That's about it this week. Lovin’ the work here, and lovin’ Gilbert!

Oh, in answer to your question, the trailer is a single-wide. Y'know, not like a travel trailer for vacations :p

Sean told me about Mikey, and also about Alex. So glad those boys are going on missions!  MIKEY!!! WHAT A STUD! He's gonna love Virginia! :D:D

Well, now that's it for this week. Love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver