Monday, May 7, 2012

INTENSE! Awesome! Never Been Chased by a Dog Before

Dear mom,

This week was one of the toughest of my mission. We tracked literally the entire week. We found 0 new investigators. We walked at least 8 miles a day, usually more. We worked super stinking hard. But it paid off. On Sunday we talked to Brother Gerald, the 1st councilor in the bishopric, and he went over the ward list with us. We found a ton of part-member families who actually want us to come by! We are going to baptize so much in this area!

So while we were tracting around Lake Murray one day we had an interesting experience. We saw this lady mowing her lawn on a riding mower, so we decided to tract around her and when she was done go talk to her. She went behind her house, so we went back there. She was sitting on a chair listening to her iPod, and when she saw us she said, "There is a big German Shepherd in this yard. Go," completely calmly. Then, with a bit of gusto and urgency she yelled, "GO!" Right then we saw a big ol' dog poke it's head up from the bushes. Naturally, I wanted to pet him and feel his teeth, but since Elder Stanley took the lady's advice and started running, I followed suit. This dog meant business, though, and as we ran we took note of the dog's fierce barking and smell of blood and death. We made it into the car before he got to us, but it was INTENSE! Awesome! Never been chased by a dog before: D

So Saturday there was "Gilbert's Got Talent" (the youth talent show in the ward). It was pretty good. Afterward this girl came up to us (she was just 12) and started telling us about how she and her friend discovered that an Indian haunts the friend’s house and a little girl. She told us that she and her friend use an Ouija board to communicate with the ghosts; the ghosts spell messages to them and poke them and move stuff around. Sketchy! So we told her mom, and her mom put an end to that right quick!

Guess what happened last Sunday? The SCBC met in the Fastnaughts' neighborhood- wait. Let me explain this a bit more. The South Carolina Breakfast Club is, well, just that- a breakfast club in South Cakalaki. It's an airplane owner thing. They have met in an airport in SC every 2 weeks since 1932 (minus 2 years during WWII). This week it was hosted in the Fastnaughts' fly-in neighborhood. We went, and we got some sick pictures of small planes, and a video of a WWII bird-dog taking off. It was way cool! The coolest plane was called a "dragonfly." It has 2 sets of wings, slightly offset from each other on the fuselage. Way stinkin cool!

That's about it this week. Lovin’ the work here, and lovin’ Gilbert!

Oh, in answer to your question, the trailer is a single-wide. Y'know, not like a travel trailer for vacations :p

Sean told me about Mikey, and also about Alex. So glad those boys are going on missions!  MIKEY!!! WHAT A STUD! He's gonna love Virginia! :D:D

Well, now that's it for this week. Love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

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