Monday, May 28, 2012

Love Y'all Immensely!

Dear mom,

This week was super boring. We did almost nothing but knock on doors with no one home! Agh.. I have huge blisters on my heels. I've walked almost 700 miles, and a good part of that is in this area. Sheesh. Working hard though!

We're at a member's house and we don't have too much time, so I will be brief. There are just a coupla things to say for this week.

My friend Andrea Martins is in the conference ensign.  It was cool to see her!

Elder Stanley and I went to the Harbors youngest son's wedding reception! It was cool cause we spoke to a non-member friend of the family the whole time, and gave them a B of M afterwards. We also both spoke in Sacrament meeting this week. It was fun!

I was wondering, would you pretty please send me my camel back? Or, if you think it would be cheaper or whatever I can buy one out here. I'll just wait till next week to decide.

Yeah, go ahead and add em both on Facebook. I miss Elder Greear.... I had a dream this week they re-called him to our mission and we were companions again and it rocked!

So anyways. That's really it this week. Super boring week.

Love y'all immensely!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

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