Monday, May 14, 2012

This Week was Stinkin' Fantastic!


Well it was just fantastic to see y'all yesterday! I loved hearing y'all talk about life. That's the best part of being a missionary- seeing the blessings poured out on the people I interact with! I was tickled pink (or rather, scarlet) by Scarlett! She is just a fireball! Haha.

This week was stinkin' fantastic! We found 7 new investigators, and we put 3 people on date for baptism! It was really a week of harvesting the field. Y’know, it's "white, already to harvest" (D&C 4) and all that jazz.

D&C 4:4

For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

So there were some things I thought of this week that I didn't wanna waste time saying yesterday. Here they are:

I found my first official, bright, vibrant, unholy, cursed white hair this week. Since then I've found many more. Like father, like son, I suppose. I sure hope that's the case anyway, cause I'd rather have hair that's white than not at all- and besides that, dad looks like President Uchtdorf when they're wearing glasses, and I want to too! :D

This week it started raining hardcore, and it was the first time on my mission I've been completely, head-to-toe soaked. It was intense! My planner is all crunchy now that it's dried, and my pocket has some slight discoloration from the pass-along cards. Hahahahahaha.....

I really wanna read this book called Leda and the Swan. Never heard of it before a couple days ago, no idea what it's about, but I want it. I hear it's great! Anyone know anything about it? And if you do, do you think I could get President Holm's approval to read it?

My poor feet are blistered, cracked, bruised, and battered from all this walking. I sometimes feel like performing an amputation, but I think it'd be harder to walk around on nubs. The fact remains that I'll be walking anyway, so I might as well get over it. 

That's about it. Oh yeah, a guy down here told me I look like Jimmy Osmond. Is that a good thing...?

Love y'all so much!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

1 comment:

  1. For what it is worth, I read a poem in college about the Greek myth of Leda and the Swan. The myth was that Zeus took the form of a swan and raped Leda, from which she bore him two children....

    Maybe there is a new book with that same title...I wouldn't think of the original myth as being missionary-type reading. :-)
