Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Got Tagged by the Heat

Dear Mom,

Wow training is awesome! I am learning so much! I kinda got dammed up with my learning- I was still learning as I studied, just not very much. I felt like I basically knew what I needed to know, but training has humbled me. Elder Horne is so much more prepared for his mission than I was! He has genuine charity and love for the people, and he has a sincere desire to serve the Lord! Contrary to how I felt when I came out (Star Child, awesome, the best- in short, prideful), he is humble, teachable, and prepared to be amazing! We are working so hard and being obedient! The O. family, M., L., C., and A., are all getting baptized this Saturday morning! Pray for 'em please!

So I was pondering this week, and I think I made a discovery. Abraham was promised his seed would be numbered as what? The stars. How many tribes of Israel are there? 12. How many Zodiacs are there? 12. I wonder if the Zodiac constellations were originally signs for the different tribes of Israel? Hmm. Interesting indeed.

So get this, on Wednesday when we were driving from the mission home to the church (Elder Horne and I were in our car, and Sister Lundholm and her trainer Sister Brand were in the van with the assistants. We were following them 'cause we didn't know the way or have my GPS), I was trying to catch up to the van after a light. I was going 43 in a 30 and got tagged by the heat. So, what did I do? Evaded, drove like a maniac, and eluded the law! J/k. I got pulled over. So when he walked up, before he could say anything I used some knowledge I've gained on my mission to win him over to my way of thinking. I said "Officer, I am so sorry. I know I was speeding. You see, we are new to town and we're following that van there. We got separated and I was trying to catch up. But that is no excuse, I was speeding and I deserve to be punished to the full extent of the law. Here is my license. I am sorry." He said, "I'm sorry, sir. I'll be right back." He walked back to his car, and glanced at us (I saw in the mirror) with a confused look. I said a silent prayer, he soon returned. "Young man," he said with a softer, kinder tone than before, "I understand how it is being new in town. I'll let you off with this official warning (he hands me a paper), and where is it you were trying to get to?" He then offered me directions and sent us along with a merry smile. 

For those who are nerds like I, you may appreciate this- Elder Horne was praying for us one evening and offered up his thanks to the Lord for this opportunity to be "Padawan and Master" :D

Anyway, that was our week in Gilbert. As per answer, yes I will be in Gilbert for another 3 months- my longest stint so far in an area. Good thing Gilbert is amazing! :D

Love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

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