Monday, July 16, 2012

I Love Being a Missionary!

Dear mom,

This week has been nutz.

Monday night we got a phone call from President Holm. A missionary had to go home early for something, so Elder Stanley got emergency transferred to Ridgeway, SC, leaving me alone in Gilbert. I have been a travelling hobo between Lexington, Lake Murray, and Gilbert. So I have had 3 areas and 4 companions this week. It has been way fun! I have been sleeping on their couch the whole week (all of 'em live in the same apartment), leaving our poor trailer empty.. Still, with all this chaos, the Lord blessed the Gilbert ward. The O. Family is going to get baptized this month, and a lady the ward has been working on for ages (W. E., I may have mentioned her before. Her daughter is 13 or so and is a recent convert) actually came to church for once! It was awesome! R. was ordained to the office of priest yesterday, too. I ordained him. So when I get back to the trailer I will have to grab my line of authority and give him his. That is so cool!

To add to the chaos, right before bed Saturday night I was straightening the sheets. What climbs out of the couch? A brown recluse. No big. We killed it-with Raid. And also, yesterday I was with Lexington Elders Cooper and Burchfield and their investigator took us to church with her. Do you remember NewSpring church from Anderson? The one that uses poker chips as tracts, and is totally the great and spacious building-  We went to the Columbia campus. We listened to the band have a little concert, then the preacher was broadcast from Anderson around the 8 campuses. It was full of false doc. Haha. Some of it was accurate though. It was a good message about hope and friendship. Just, the Holy Ghost was missing...

So I was pondering this week and realized I left a card that has all the priesthood blessings on it and some things that hold your tie to your shirt at home. Grandma Seaver gave 'em to me for my birthday before I left, and I totally forgot to pack 'em... Dang.

There is a 11-year-old boy, C.J. D. R., in the Lexington ward (the D. R. take us places on P-days and cut our hair and are just awesome). Can you send me my Pokemon Black version so I can give it to him? It's a DS game.

Lake Murray baptized a 25-year-old guy named C. from Ghana this week. We have the same birthday. In Ghana you are given an English name, and a name for the day of the week you were born on, which the other Ghanans refer to you by. I was born on a Wednesday, so my name is Kwaku. That's what they would call me in Ghana. Cool beans!

I found a great verse to send to people who don't write me back. Alma 60:6 
And now behold, we desire to know the cause of this exceedingly great neglect; yea, we desire to know the cause of your thoughtless state. 
So did I mention I'm training this transfer? I'm going to the mission home tonight in Irmo to meet my trainee. Usually trainers go on Tuesday for a little training, and go out for a day with a random trainee, then get their actual companion Wednesday (I happened to have the same guy both Tues and Wed). But for some reason they are having me drive up and meet my trainee tonight. I'm way excited! In the mission field your trainer is "dad" and you are his "son." So if your trainer trains 6 guys, he has 6 sons, and the sons are all brothers. Ya dig? So, since I'm "giving birth" tonight, I think I'm going to buy a bib and a binky to give to him. Haha. :p And then something actually nice, from the Palmetto Gifts corner in WalMart. I'm so excited right now!

That's it for this week.
Love y'all tremendously!
I Love being a missionary!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

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