Monday, July 30, 2012

We, the W. Columbia Zone, all get to go to the Temple!!!!

Dear loved ones,

The O.s were baptized this week! It was amazing! They are awesome, and the ward loves them! So cool! That also put Gilbert at 6 baptisms this month, the Lexington district at 7, and the W. Columbia zone at 21. That was our zone goal for this month. That is the first time a zone has hit it's goal since President Holm has been here. That means.... We, the W. Columbia zone, all get to go to the temple!!!! :D

Things are going awesome! We are having a blast! Elder Horne is awesome, and incredibly sincere about everything. I am learning so much from him and from PMG as we study it together. Training quickly helps you notice what you stink at and improve. Haha.

Say yes to both those friend requests.

Sometimes as we tract lately we get shunned away so people can watch the Olympics. It's kinda frustrating, cause they're on solid for what, 2 weeks? The Super bowl and the Daytona, etc., are just for a few hours. But the Olympics are seemingly endless.... But yeah, I would LOVE some updates. It's nice to know, but it's even better to know what's going on in the sports-world (something incredibly important to the South Kakalakites) and be able to relate.

I do not know the Kim Anderson story... Care to explain? Skillz yo!

Awesome about Sean's eagle! We attended a court of honor for a young man here named J. who just got his. It is such a blessing in your life, and no one will ever say the words, "I regret getting my Eagle." It just doesn't happen. It's too awesome! Way to go Sean. We also got to talk to some RLDS people there (I think I told you about them already. They are friends with J.'s family), and P., the wife, showed me her "Priesthood ordination to the office of Priest" certificate from way back when it was the RLDS church, and the new one from the Community of Christ. 

Hurricane season? Haven't heard a word about it. Interesting. We get awesome thunder and lightning storms every night during the summer, and a lot of random 20-minute deluges, but no hurricanes as far as I know. When I was in Aiken a tornado hit the south end of our area, but that's as close as it's ever been :p

So there is a girl in the ward, M. R. (the R.s are awesome) and she gave us her pink guitar yesterday. Haha. Fun fun fun- I love the guitar!

Well, that's the week.

Oh yeah, who is Hecatonchier, and how do you pronounce it?

Love y'all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

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