Monday, April 22, 2013

Back to Basics

Dear family,

This week was like a "back to basics" week for us. We just got back into Preach My Gospel, figured out what we should be doing to be successful missionaries, and did it. We had a great week teaching lots of people, and we have quite a few real progressing investigators again. It's nice to have a teaching pool to work with rather than just roads. Ha-ha  Even though I have truly come to love knocking on doors. I really do love meeting all these people and bearing simple fervent testimony to them on their porch. It is a blast! I love being a missionary!

I love hearing about your Fitbit challenge. That sounds fun! You have me beat on average steps. We get usually about 6000 a day. More if we aren't teaching, and less if we are. It's like golf, an effective day has a lower score. But there are days when I hit 20 or 30 thousand. Those are long days. My highest I don't remember, but I have it written down.

Say yes to J.- that's an awesome part-member family we work with. We have helped them clean out their yard, and plant a garden, and they feed us the best food in the South.

Yeah so those packages I sent home, please don't open those till I'm home. Thanks! :)

As for school, I need to be home it looks like on the 24th of August to be there for new-student stuff and whatever, or else just by the 3rd to start. I am going to let President know that in my email today and see what he says. As for signing up, he said to have ya'll get me all registered and everything, then to look and make a list of classes you think I should take. Then email me the info and let me know what I need to fill out. During time I can get on, sign up for the classes I want, and do what I need to do. So yeah. Do that ASAP so I don't have to worry about it anymore. Thanks!

Anyway, that's about it for this week. Oh yeah, we had a zone conference this week. It was fun. Elder Cardon is an assistant, so I get to see him regularly like at zone conference and it's fun to catch up with him. He's such a good guy!

I love being a missionary! :D

Love ya mom!
Elder Seaver

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