Monday, April 29, 2013

Recipe of the Week

Dear momma,

This week we had stake conference. Elder Allan F. Packer of the seventy came. He is President Packer's son. It was cool. We went on two exchanges also this week. I went with Elder Thompson once and with our zone leader Elder Clark once. They are both great missionaries- much better than me! I am getting pretty trunky............................... ha-ha. All this school junk is distracting, but eh- I love being a missionary! :D

As far as our apartment goes- I live with my comp Elder Tonge, Elder Thompson, and until Wednesday, Elder Gemmell. He is getting transferred. I love that guy, it'll be sad to see him go!

Elder Thompson's mom sends him a "recipe of the week" and he and I will cook it for all of us. He is a great chef and has taught me the ways. We have a great time in that kitchen. We cook probably 5 real meals a week. mmmm!

It’s always fun to hear about what all is going on back home. I love hearing about your callings and service. I also love hearing about la familia.

Well anyway.-that's about it this week.

I love being a missionary!

Love ya'll!
Elder Seaver

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